- Seismic receiver (seismology)
- Seismic source (seismology)
- Secondary wave = s-wave
- SNL (tool)
- SNL (survey)
- Sweep Efficiency (ES)
- Stock-Tank Oil Initial In-Place = STOIIP
- Stock-Tank Gas Initial In-Place
- Stimulated Reservoir Volume (SRV)
- Standard Conditions = STP = s.c.
- Sonic Porosity
- Silt
- Sigma
- International System of Units = SI
- Shaliness = Vsh
- Shale
- Standard cubic foot = scf = ft3
- Salinity
- Spectral Noise Logging Tool = SNL
- Self-Pulse Test (SPT) @survey
- SGS (Static Gradient Survey)
- Separator Bulk Test (SBT)
- SPT vs BUS
- Subsurface Production Operations (Petroleum Upstream)
- Surface Production Operations (Petroleum Upstream)
- Surface Petroleum Exploration
- Subsurface Petroleum Exploration
- SWD – Surveillance While Drilling
- Step-Response Pressure Interference Test
- Single-phase pressure diffusion @model
- SPT @model
- Superposition Time
- Stabilised flow
- Special Core Analysis (SCAL)
- Saturation (reservoir fluid)
- Saturation Height Function @model
- Saturation Height Function (SHF)
- Separator
- Subsurface (Earth)
- SPE Standards
- Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE)
- Specific heat capacity
- Saturation pressure
- Sandface
- Steady State Fluid Flow = SS
- Shut-in (well flow status)
- Skin-factor (total)
- Slanted well pressure diffusion @model
- Streamline
- Spearmen correlation coefficient @ model
- Standard deviation = SD
- Statistical correlation metrics @ review
- Skin-factor (mechanical)
- Skin-factor (geometrical)
- Saturated oil
- Saturated Oil Reservoir
- Surface flowrate
- State of matter
- Solid (state of matter)
- Sandface pressure response
- Surface Multiphase Flowmeter
- Surveillance
- Surface Facilities (upstream)
- Subsurface facilities (upstream)
- Slick-line logging
- Stock-Tank Gas Initial In-Place = STGIIP
- Shut-in formation pressure estimate
- Streaklines
- Streamlines @model
- Streaklines @model
- Steady State (SS) well flow regime
- Single-well deconvolution = SDCV
- Subsurface E&P Disciplines
- Simandoux @model
- SHF Skelt-Harrison @model
- SHF Cuddy @model
- SHF Capillary pressure @model
- Shaliness @model
- Saturation from Neutron Logging
- Saturation from Density Log
- Saturation from Acoustic Log
- Saturation from Resistivity
- Subsurface fluid migration
- Solution Gas Oil Ratio = Rs
- Solution gas (chemical substance)
- Shale Index
- Sandface flowrates
- Sandface Productivity Index
- Surface Productivity Index
- Sandstone
- Startup formation pressure, P0
- Standard gravity constant = g
- Simple PVT
- Sedimentary rock
- Stone I RPM
- Stone II RPM
- Simulation Engineering (SE)
- Surface Data Acquisition
- Surface E&P Disciplines
- Subsurface Chemical Engineering
- Surface Chemical Engineering
- Single-string completion
- Stratigraphic Structure
- Subsurface Production Complications
- Sucker Rod Pump (SRP)
- Surface Facilities Summary
- Specific Productivity Index (PI or J)
- SS diagnostics
- Subsurface Facilities Summary
- Surface Well Tests
- Subsurface Well Tests
- Single-Well Tests
- Surface Read Out Panel (SROP)
- Surface Read Out (SRO)
- Sweeping (reservoir fluid flow)
- Structured Grid (Regular Grid)
- Standard Operating Procedure (SOP)
- Solution drive mechanism
- Schilthuis Aquifer expansion @model
- Slightly Compressible Flow
- Surface roughness
- Strong-turbulent fluid flow
- Steady-state
- Specific Productivity Index
- Specific gravity
- Stress
- Strain
- Solid Body
- Solid Mechanics
- Sediment
- Sedimentation
- Swabbing
- second = s
- Source Rock
- System
- System component
- System property
- Static Variable
- Side-Tracking (ST)
- Superposition @math
- Steady State Linear Pressure Diffusion @model
- Surface Production Performance
- Snubbing
- Slick Line Unit (SLU)
- Slick Line Operations
- Slick Line = SL
- Steady State Radial Flow Pressure Diffusion @model
- Stabilised wellbore flow
- Stabilized reservoir flow
- Social Enterprise
- Society
- Statistics
- Source Dataset
- Sweet crude oil
- Soure crude oil
- Sour gas
- Sweet gas
- Isobaric specific heat capacity = cmp
- Isochoric specific heat capacity = cmV
- Structural trap
- Synapses weight
- Service (Product)
- Sales (Business)
- Shareholder
- Selling, General and Administrative Expenses = SG&A = Indirect Expenses (Finance)
- Severance Tax (Finance)
- Short-term Bonds (Finance)
- Statement of Financial Position = Balance Sheet (Finance)
- Statement of Cash Flow (Finance)
- Statement of changes in Equity (Finance)
- Sample of Petroleum Operating Company Financial Statements
- Sample of Petroleum Service Provider Financial Statements
- Sample of Petroleum Operating Company Financial Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
- Sample of Petroleum Operating Company Financial Statement of Changes in Equity
- Sale (Finance)
- Sample of Petroleum Operating Company Financial Statement of Comprehensive Income (Profit and Loss)
- Sample of Petroleum Operating Company Financial Statement of Cash Flow
- Sample of Petroleum Service Provider Financial Statement of Financial Position (Balance Sheet)
- Sample of Petroleum Service Provider Financial Statement of Changes in Equity
- Sample of Petroleum Service Provider Financial Statement of Comprehensive Income (Profit & Loss)
- Sample of Petroleum Service Provider Financial Statement of Cash Flow
- Semi-solid (state of matter)
- Saudi Aramco
- STOIIP @model
- STGIIP @model
- Stock-Tank Oil In-Place (STOIP)
- STOIP @model
- Stock-Tank Gas In-Place (STGIP)
- STGIP @model
- Surface Production Engineering
- Surface Tank Hydrocarbon In Place = STHCIP
- Surface Tank Hydrocarbon Initial In Place = STHCIIP
- Sulfur content
- Subsurface Water Reserves = Aquifer
- Surface Tank Hydrocarbon Reserves = STHCR
- Statement of Income (Finance)
- Slightly Compressible Fluid
- Static Vertical Pressure Variation @model
- Subsurface Production Engineering
- Strongly Compressible Fluid
- Subsurface Neutral Temperature (Tn)
- Stagnant Fluid
- Volumetric heat capacity
- Isobaric volumetric heat capacity (cvp)
- Isochoric volumetric heat capacity (cvV)
- Science
- Subsurface Temperature Profile around Lateral Flow Analytical @model
- Surface wave
- Body wave
- Seismic wave
- Subsurface Exploration
- Seismic Survey
- Shear wave
- Speed of sound
- Speed of Sound @model
- Reservoir Storage
- Specific force
- Share Capital (Finance)
- System State
- Static System
- Steady-State Process
- Steady-State Fluid Flow
- Superficial velocity
- Single-barrier well completion Heat Transfer Coefficient @model
- Dual-barrier well completion Heat Transfer Coefficient @model
- Solution
- Oil Rim Reservoir
- Pseudo-linear pressure diffusion @model
- Linear pressure diffusion @model
- Sustainable Annulus Pressure = SAP
- Standard atmoshpere
- Surface air pressure
- Sonic Logging
- Surface Leak Tests
- Spectral Noise Logging Tool @samples
- Spectral Noise Logging Tool @model
- Shear modulus = G
- Standing (1942) oil correlations @model
- Surface Tank Barrel = stb
- scf/stb
- Solution GOR = Rs
- Standing (1942) saturated oil formation volume factor Bo(p) @model
- Standing (1942) saturated oil gas solubility Rs(p) @model
- Standing (1942) bubble point pressure Pb @model
- Sodium Chloride = NaCl (chemical substance)
- Statistical Metric
- Surface Production Complications
- System Science
- Scientific Methods
- Subject Vocabulary
- Scientific Predictions
- Movable Gas Initial In-Place = MGIIP
- Linear single-phase pressure diffusion @model
- Specific Flowrate
- Short-Term Liabilities = STL (Finance)
- Molar heat capacity = c
- Sales (Finance)
- Scientific Definitions
- SDCV @model
- Second central momentum = μ2
- Siemens = S(unit)
- Single-well watercut history WΣW plot
- Single-well watercut history YΣY plot
- Skewness
- sm3/sm3
- Standard Earth's Gravity Vector
- Subsurface Positioning
- System Model