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Fluid flow with fluid pressure  p(t, {\bf r})  is not changing in time:

(1) p(t, {\bf r}) = p({\bf r})

This immediately leads to stationary fluid velocity  {\bf u}(t, {\bf r})

(2) {\bf u}(t, {\bf r}) = {\bf u}({\bf r})

In the most general case (both reservoir and pipelines) the fluid velocity is a function of pressure and pressure gradient and can be written as:

(3) {\bf u}(t, {\bf r})= F({\bf r}, p, \nabla p)

with right side not dependent on time in stationary flow:

(4) \frac{\partial {\bf u}(t, {\bf r})}{\partial t}= 0

which leads to (2).

The fluid temperature  T(t, {\bf r}) is supposed to vary slowly enough to provide quasistatic equilibrium.

This flow regime is often observed in pipeline fluid flow and reservoir fluid flows.

See also

Physics / Fluid Dynamics 

Steady State Well Flow Regime (SS) ]

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