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Mathematical model of rock shaliness.

The shales contain much higher concentration of radioactive minerals comparing to clean sands and carbonates (see Table 1 below).

This is why the most common way to quantify the shale content is the intensity of the natural gamma-ray (GR) emission.

The fist step is to normalize the actual GR-tool readings  GR_{log} to the reference values in clean rocks   GR_m and pure shales  GR_{sh} which is called Shale Index

(1) I_{GR}(l) = \frac{GR_{log}(l) - GR_m}{GR_{sh} - GR_m}

where  l – along-hole depth.

The model parameters  GR_{sh}  and   GR_m  are calibrated for each facies individually.

The shale Index  I_{GR} is varying between 0 (for non-shally rocks) and 1 (for pure shales) but the actual shaliness may behave non-linearly between these extremes (especially for shallow, young reservoirs). 

This can be calibrated based on the available core data.

The table below summairzes some popular shaliness models:

#EquationAuthorRock TypeCorrelation database

V_{sh} = I_{GR}


V_{sh} = 0.083 \cdot (2^{3.7 I_{GR}} - 1)

Larionov (1969)Tertiary Jurassic rocksWest Siberia

V_{sh} = 1.7 - \sqrt{(3.38 - (I_{GR}+0.7)^2)}

Clavier (1971)


V_{sh} = \frac{ I_{GR}}{3 - 2 I_{GR}}

Stieber (1970)


V_{sh} = 0.33 \cdot (2^{2 I_{GR}} - 1)

Larionov (1969)Older RocksWest Siberia

The graphic image of different shales volume models is brought on Fig. 1.

Table 1. GR values for popular minerals

Rock TypeGR, API
1Halite (NaCl)0
3Limestone5 – 10
4Sandstone10 – 20
5Dolomite10 – 20
6Shale80 – 140
7Mica100 – 170
8Silvite (KCl)500
Fig. 1. Shale Volume Models.


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