- Production Analysis = PA
- Packer
- Pressure pulse-code decomposition (PCD) @ model
- Pressure Pulse-Code Test (PCT)
- Permanent Downhole Gauge = PDG
- Petroleum Engineering (PE)
- PERF (Perforations)
- Periodic Pressure Pulsations
- Permeability (absolute)
- Phase Permeability
- Relative Permeability = RelPerm
- Petroleum British Unit System
- Petroleum Metric Unit System
- Petroleum Industry (Oil & Gas Industry)
- Petroleum Units Systems
- Photoelectric Factor
- Pressure Interference Test (PIT)
- PLT (logging tool)
- PLT-BFP @model
- PLT-BFP @survey
- PLT-RFP @model
- PLT-RFP @survey
- Parts per thousand = Per mille = ‰ = ppk = ppt
- Parts per million = ppm
- PRES (Pressure Logging Tool)
- Pressure diffusivity
- Pressure Diffusion @model
- Pressure Pulse Test
- Pressure Pulse Interference Test
- Pressure Pulse Propagation
- Petroleum Production
- Production Gathering
- Production Metering
- Productivity Index = PI = J
- PSA (Production Sharing Agreement)
- Pressure Transient Analysis = PTA
- PTA Diagnostic Plot
- PTA Type Library
- PTA Type-Curve Matching
- PTA Sensitivity Analysis
- PVT Laboratory Test
- Primary wave = p-wave
- Phase (Thermodynamic system)
- Pipeline
- Pipe
- Pseudo Steady State (PSS) fluid flow
- Pressure Variation
- Production (well flow status)
- Producing well = Producer
- Pressure Transient
- Plug and Abandon (P&A)
- Pressure Diffusion
- Pressure Diffusion Boundary @model
- Peaceman @model
- Pressure spatial superposition principle @ model
- Pressure spatial decomposition @ model
- Pressure Deconvolution @model
- Putting well on stream
- PCT @ samples
- Pearson correlation coefficient
- Production water
- Pressure gradient
- Petrophysical rock type (petrotype)
- Petrophysical correlations
- Basic Petroleum Rock and Fluid Properties Handbook
- Pressure convolution
- Partial Differential Equation (PDE) @math
- Pressure Deconvolution = DCV
- Production/Injection History
- Petroleum Asset
- Pressure Testing
- Primary fluid processing
- Plasma (state of matter)
- Phase Transition
- Petroleum Asset Team
- Production drilling
- Petrophysics (PP)
- Pulsed Neutron Gamma Spectrum Logging (Carbon-Oxide or CO)
- Pulse Neutron Gamma Thermal Decay Logging (PNG)
- Pulse Neutron Neutron Thermal Decay Logging (PNN)
- Production Logging = PLT
- Production Summary
- Pathline (flow trajectory)
- Petrology
- Petroleogenetic rocks
- Pressure Drawdown
- Pressure Drop
- Pressure log-log plot
- Production Technology (PT or PTech)
- Production Targets
- Petroleum Asset Economics
- Production Performance Monitoring
- Porosity
- Potential drainage volume
- Pulsed Neutron Logging (PNL)
- Petroleum Exploration
- Petroleum Reservoir
- Petrophysical rock properties
- Pathlines @model
- PSS diagnostic plots
- Pressure Build-Up = PBU
- Practical time-scales in Petroleum Upstream Industry
- Porosity cut-off
- PRIME Sample Case – Waterflood Sector Analysis
- PRIME Sample Case – Natural Depletion Reservoir
- PRIME Sample Case – Oil Producer Analysis
- PRIME Sample Case – Water Injector Analysis
- Primary Production Analysis
- Production Injection Ratio = PIR
- Production Gas-Oil Ratio = YG = GOR
- Picking formation tops
- Production Allocation (Reconciliation)
- Petroleum Reservoir Fluids
- Phase pressure = pw, po, pg
- Phase mobility
- Relative Phase Mobility
- Production rate
- Permeability-pressure correlations
- Power law permeability @model
- PORO-PERM correlations
- Percolation
- Pascal = Pa (unit)
- Parts per thousand = ppk = ‰
- Proxy model
- Pressure Diffusion Model Validity Scope
- Production Water Cut = Yw
- Physics
- Prandtl number = Pr
- Pore
- Porous medium
- Pipe Flow Dynamics
- Petroleum Geology
- Petroleum Asset Summary
- psi (unit)
- Petroleum Field
- Perforations and near-reservoir zone plugging
- Pump failure
- Pipeline failure
- PCT Interpretation Workflow
- Pressure realease well
- Relative Reservoir Fluid Mobility
- Pressure gauge
- Pore volume
- Pressure Depletion
- Pressure Interference Matrix (PIM)
- Petroleum Well
- Path Length (trajectory)
- Pipe cross-section area =A
- Productivity Index Diagnostics
- Pressure loss
- Pipeline Engineering
- Petrophysical Model
- Production acceleration
- Planar diffusion equation
- Planar axial-symmetric diffusion equation
- Pressure Control (Reservoir Flow Modelling)
- Production deferment
- Pseudo-Steady State Radial Flow Pressure Diffusion @model
- Pseudo-Steady State Linear Pressure Diffusion @model
- Profitability Index = PI
- Pipeline Flow Performance
- Productivity Index @model
- Project
- Project Management
- Pipeline Choke
- Pipeline Choke @model
- Production – Injection Pairing @ model
- Physical Production Data Analysis
- Production Targets Optimisation @model
- Product (Business)
- Pressure Control
- Physical Person
- Purchase (Finance)
- Prepaid Expenses (Finance)
- Petroleum Operating Company
- Petroleum Service Provider
- Petroleum Hydrocarbon
- Productivity Diagnostics
- Productivity Plots = J-plots
- Production Reservoir Diagnostics
- Pore Compressibility = cϕ
- Pressure Profile in Homogeneous Quasi-Isothermal Steady-State Pipe Flow @model
- Pressure Profile in Incompressible Isothermal Proxy Pipe Flow @model
- Profit Margin
- Profitability (Business)
- Units Conversion
- Pressure Transition
- PVT @model
- Pump
- Pump @model
- Pump Types
- Profit and Loss = P&L (Finance)
- Property, Plant and Equipment = PP&E (Finance)
- Repressurising Injection Ratio = RIR
- Pipe Flow
- Pipe roughness
- Pore compressibility pressure @model
- Pore Pressure
- Pipeline Components
- Product Development
- Percentage = %
- Porosity Units = p.u.
- Pressure Profile in GF-Proxy Pipe Flow @model
- Principle Sum (Economics)
- Pseudo-Pressure (ψ)
- Pseudo-Time
- Normalized Pseudo-Time
- Pressure
- Pressure (thermodynamic property)
- Physical System
- Pipe Flow Mass Conservation
- Pressure Profile in G-Proxy Pipe Flow @model
- Pressure Profile in GFC-Proxy Pipe Flow @model
- Production Gathering Facility
- Flowline (flow trajectory)
- Production Decrement = D
- Pipe Flow Heat Transfer Coefficient @model
- Annular Conductive Heat Transfer Coefficient @model
- Pressure Profile in Incompressible Quasi-Isothermal Proxy Pipe Flow @model
- Pressure Profile in GC-proxy static fluid column @model
- Peng–Robinson EOS @model
- Pipe Flow Friction Losses @model
- Pure substance
- PT Diagram (Thermodynamics)
- Pseudo-Critical Point = (Tpc, Ppc)
- Pseudo-Critical Temperature = Tpc
- Pseudo-Critical Pressure = Ppc
- Pseudo-Critical Point Correlations @model
- Peng–Robinson-Stryjek-Vera (PRSV) EOS @model
- Pseudo-Reduced Fluid Properties
- Pseudo-reduced Temperature = Tpr
- Project Lifecycle
- Project Motivation
- Project Definition
- Project Planning
- Project Implementation
- Project Deployment
- Project Team
- Project Resources
- Project Assets
- Project Protocol
- Phase Equilibrium Diagram
- Phase Equilibrium
- PT conditions (Thermodynamics)
- Phase Equilibrium Boundary (spatial)
- Phase Equilibrium Boundary (diagram)
- Phase Equilibrium Boundary (disambiguation)
- Pump Pressure Gain
- Pump Characteristic Curve
- Position Vector
- Permeability (disambiguation)
- Leak PLT Logging
- Pipe Defectoscopy
- Production Decline Rate = D
- Project Report
- Phase volume fraction = s
- Porosity Shrinkage
- PKN Hydraulic Fracture @model
- Poisson's ratio = ν
- Tortuosity = τ
- Pressure (gauge)
- psig (unit)
- Plane Poiseuille flow
- Pipe Poiseuille flow
- Polynomial equation
- Petroleum Correlations
- PVT correlations
- psia (unit)
- Petrosky-Farshad (1993) undersaturated oil isothermal compressibility @model
- Petrosky–Farshad (1993) bubble point pressure Pb @model
- Petrosky–Farshad (1993-1995) oil correlations @model
- Petrosky–Farshad (1993) undersaturated oil isothermal compressibility @model
- Petrosky-Farshad (1993) undersaturated oil formation volume factor Bo(p) @model
- Percent = %
- Pressure Diffusion Reservoir @model
- Pressure Diffusion Well Trajectory @model
- Perceptron
- Petrosky–Farshad (1995) undersaturated oil viscosity μo @model
- Petrosky–Farshad (1995) dead oil viscosity μo @model
- Petrosky–Farshad (1995) saturated oil viscosity μo @model
- Producing well
- Producer (well)
- Production Well Targets
- Injection Well Targets
- Production Complications
- Cumulative Production Gas-Oil Ratio = ΣYG = ΣGOR
- Pivot watercut WΣW plot
- Pivot watercut YΣY plot
- Pressure-Rate artificial neural network = PRANN
- Recovery Pace = τ
- Percolation @model
- Production NPV
- Petroleum Asset NPV
- Petroleum Asset PI
- Profitable Oil Recovery
- Petroleum Russian Unit System
- Proven Reserves P90
- Probable Reserves P50
- Possible Reserves P10
- Hydrocarbon Reserves Probability Distribution
- Proven Developed Reserves = PD
- Proven Undeveloped Reserves = PUD
- Proven & Probable & Possible Hydrocarbon Reserves = 3P
- Average Per-well Rate
- Proven Developed Producing Reserves = PDP
- Proven Developed Non-Producing Reserves = PDN
- Production/Injection Adjustments Coefficients
- Payback Period = PP
- Discounted Payback Period = DPP
- Present Value of Investment
- PIR vs PI @model
- Petroleum Reservoir Classification
- Present Value Index = PVI
- Principal Sum (Finance)