Part of the bulk rock volume V_r containing the hydrodynamically connected fluids (also called free fluids) within each pore element:
(1) | V_\phi = V_r - V_m |
Although the fluid inside the pore is movable but some pores maybe isolated from each other and do not contribute to rock permeability.
This splits the pore volume V_\phi into two components: connected pore volume V_{\rm con} and closed pore volume V_{\rm cls}:
V_\phi = V_{\rm con} + V_{\rm cls} |
See also
Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petrophysics (PP) / Volumetric Rock Model
[ Basic reservoir properties ] [ Pore volume ] [ Connected pore volume ] [ Closed pore volume ] [ Porosity ] [ Connected porosity ] [ Closed porosity ]