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pore volume  V_\phi fraction of bulk rock volume  V_r containing the hydrodynamically connected fluids (also called free fluids) within each pore element:

(1) \phi_e = \frac{V_\phi}{V_r}

The log name is PHIE.

The reason to introduce this concept is that a part of the actual inter-grain void is filled with shale thus reducing the actual volume available for fluids.

It splits into two components:

Open porosity  \phi_{\rm opn}

Closed porosity  \phi_{\rm cls}

with interconnected poreswith isolated pores

subject to condition:

(2) \phi_e = \phi_{\rm opn} + \phi_{\rm cls}

Effective porosity is a function of reservoir pressure at a given location p({\bf r}):

(3) \phi_e(\mathbf{r}, \ p) = \phi_{ei}(\mathbf{r}) \exp \left[ \int_{p_i}^p c_\phi(p) \, dp \right]



pore compressibility (see also Pore compressibility @model )

\phi_{ei} = \phi_e(p_i)

effective porosity at the initial formation pressure  p_i


initial formation pressure

This leads to the effect of Porosity Shrinkage.

Since the pore compressibility is very low (cϕ  = 0.5 ÷ 1.5  GPa-1) and has a weak dependence on  reservoir pressure  for subsurface rocks in petroleum reservoirs the  (3) can be written as:

(4) \phi_e(\mathbf{r}, \ p) = \phi_{ei}(\mathbf{r}) \cdot \left[ 1 + c_\phi \, (p-p_i) + 0.5 \, c_\phi^2 \, (p-p_i)^2 \right]

Most Subsurface E&P Disciplines (except Petrophysics) usually omit index "e" and denote Effective porosity as  \phi = \phi_e.

See also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petrophysics (PP) / Volumetric Rock Model

Basic reservoir properties ] [ Pore volume ] [ Connected pore volume ] [ Closed pore volume ] [ Porosity ] [ Open porosity ] [ Closed porosity ][ Initial Porosity ϕi ]

Pore compressibility @model ]

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