Fluids which may occur in petroleum reservoir, either naturally or as a result of anthropogenic invasion.
These are normally represented by hydrocarbons and water with a minor mix of non-organic fluids:
Liquid hydrocarbons | Gaseous hydrocarbons | Non-organic fluids |
Oil including Solution Gas | Natural Gas | Formation water |
Condensate | Injection Gas | Injection water |
All hydrocarbons initially present in Petroleum Reservoir before the anthropogenic invasion are called Hydrocarbon Initial In Place (HCIIP).
All hydrocarbons currently present in Petroleum Reservoir after the anthropogenic invasion are called Hydrocarbon In Place (HCIP).
The recoverable part of the current Hydrocarbon In Place is called Hydrocarbon Reserves (HCR).
See Also
Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petroleum Geology / Petroleum reservoir
[ Hydrocarbon Initial In Place (HCIIP) ] [ Hydrocarbon In Place (HCIP) ]