One of the key challenges in Pipe Flow Dynamics is to predict the pressure distribution along the pipe during the steady-state fluid transport.
In many practical cases the stationary pressure distribution can be approximated by Isothermal or Quasi-isothermal homogenous fluid flow model.
Pipeline Flow Pressure Model is addressing this problem with account of the varying pipeline trajectory, gravity effects and fluid friction with pipeline walls.
T_0 | Fluid temperature at inlet point ( l=0) | T(l) | Along-pipe temperature profile |
p_0 | Fluid pressure at inlet point ( l=0) | \rho(T, p) | Fluid density |
q_0 | Fluid flowrate at inlet point ( l=0) | \mu(T, p) | |
z(l) | Pipeline trajectory TVDss | A | Pipe cross-section area |
\theta (l) | Pipeline trajectory inclination, \displaystyle \cos \theta (l) = \frac{dz}{dl} | \epsilon | Inner pipe wall roughness |
Steady-State flow | Quasi-isothermal flow |
\displaystyle \frac{\partial p}{\partial t} = 0 | \displaystyle \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} =0 \rightarrow T(t,l) = T(l) |
Homogenous flow | Constant cross-section pipe area A along hole |
\displaystyle \frac{\partial p}{\partial \tau_x} =\frac{\partial p}{\partial \tau_y} =0 \rightarrow p(t, \tau_x,\tau_y,l) = p(l) | A(l) = A = \rm const |
| ||||
\displaystyle j_m =\frac{ \rho_0 \, q_0}{A}= \rm const | |
q_0 = q(l=0) | Fluid flowrate at inlet point ( l=0) |
\rho_0 = \rho(T_0, p_0) | Fluid density at inlet point ( l=0) |
\rho(l) = \rho(T(l), p(l)) | Fluid density at any point l |
\displaystyle с(p) = \frac{1}{\rho} \left( \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial p} \right)_T | Fluid Compressibility |
f(T, \rho) = f({\rm Re}(T, \rho), \, \epsilon) | Darcy friction factor |
\displaystyle {\rm Re}(T,\rho) = \frac{j_m \cdot d}{\mu(T, \rho)} | Reynolds number in Pipe Flow |
\mu(T,\rho) | dynamic viscosity as function of fluid temperature T and density \rho |
\displaystyle d = \sqrt{ \frac{4 A}{\pi}}= \rm const | Characteristic linear dimension of the pipe |
Alternative forms
\displaystyle \left( \frac{dp}{dl} \right)_G = \rho \cdot g \cdot \cos \theta | gravity losses which represent pressure losses for upward flow and pressure gain for downward flow |
\displaystyle \left( \frac{dp}{dl} \right)_K = u^2 \cdot \frac{d \rho}{dl} |
\displaystyle \left( \frac{dp}{dl} \right)_f = - \frac{ j_m^2}{2 d} \cdot \frac{f}{\rho} | friction losses which are always negative along the flow direction |
Pressure Profile in G-Proxy Pipe Flow @model | quadrature | \theta(l) = \theta_0 = \rm const |
Pressure Profile in GF-Proxy Pipe Flow @model | quadrature | \theta(l) = \theta_0 = \rm const, f(T, p)=f_0 = \rm const |
\theta(l) = \theta_0 = \rm const, f(T, p)=f_0 = \rm const \rho(T, p) = \rho(T) \cdot (1+ c^*(T) \cdot p/p_0) | ||
Pressure Profile in Incompressible Quasi-Isothermal Proxy Pipe Flow @model | quadrature | \rho(p)=\rho_0 = \rm const, T(t, l)=T(l) |
Pressure Profile in Incompressible Isothermal Proxy Pipe Flow @model | closed-form expression | \rho(p)=\rho_0 = \rm const, T=T_0 = \rm const (isothermal) |
Pressure Profile in GC-proxy static fluid column @model | closed-form expression | \theta(l) = \theta_0 = \rm const, \dot m = 0 (no flow) |
See also
Physics / Fluid Dynamics / Pipe Flow Dynamics / Pipe Flow Simulation
[ Darcy friction factor ] [ Darcy friction factor @model ] [ Reynolds number in Pipe Flow ] [ Pressure Profile in G-Proxy Pipe Flow @model ]
[ Temperature Profile in Homogenous Pipe Flow @model ]
[ Fluid Compressibility ] [ Fluid Compressibility @model ]