- Facies (petroleum geology)
- Factoring (Finance)
- Factual Database
- Fahrenheit (temperature unit) = °F
- Fall-off Survey = FOS
- Fall-off test = FOT
- Fault (geology)
- Fault (pressure response)
- FBS (Fullbore Spinner Logging Tool)
- FCF Model
- FDP Production Targets
- Fehner correlation @ model
- Feldspar
- Fetkovich Aquifer Drive @model
- Field-average
- Field-average BHP <Pwf>
- Field-average formation pressure (<Pe>)
- Field Development Plan = FDP
- Field Development Planning (Subsurface Discipline)
- Field Operations (Business)
- Field Operations = Well Site Operations (Upstream)
- Field Production (petroleum field status)
- Field Study & Modelling
- Field Summary
- Financial Accounting
- Financial Investment
- Financial Investment Metrics
- Financial Investment Project
- Financial Management
- Financial Operations (Business)
- Financial Planning
- Financial Regulator (Economics)
- Financial Statement (Finance)
- Financial Transaction (Finance)
- Finite conductivity fracture
- First Barrier (1st Barrier) in well logging
- Fissility
- Fixed Asset
- Flange
- Flooding
- Flowing (well flow status)
- Flowing Material Balance Analysis = FMB
- Flow Pressure Profile (FPP)
- Flow Profile Tracers
- Flowrate Testing
- Flow Zone Indicator = FZI
- Fluid (state of matter)
- Fluid @model
- Fluid Analysis
- Fluid Body
- Fluid Capacitance
- Fluid Capacitance @model
- Fluid Capacitance Log = FCAP
- Fluid Capacitance Logging Tool
- Fluid component
- Fluid Composition
- Fluid Compressibility
- Fluid Compressibility @model
- Fluid Conductivity
- Fluid Conductivity & Resistivity @model
- Fluid Conductivity & Resistivity Logging Tool
- Fluid Conductivity Log = FCOND
- Fluid contacts
- Fluid Convection
- Fluid Density
- Fluid Dynamics
- Fluid flow
- Fluid flow regimes
- Fluid friction with pipeline walls
- Fluid Injection
- Fluid Interface Modelling
- Fluid Laboratory Test
- Fluid Mechanics
- Fluid Mixture
- Fluid Phase Equilibrium
- Fluid pseudo-component
- Fluid Resistivity
- Fluid Resistivity Log = FRES
- Fluid Sampling
- Fluid Statics
- Fluid Summary
- Fluid Supply
- Fluid transport in porous media
- Flux-Leakage Defectoscopy
- FMB Pressure @model
- Forced Fluid Convection
- Forced Thermal Convection
- Forchheimer equation @model
- Formal Language
- Formal Science
- Formation
- Formation (geological)
- Formation (geology)
- Formation Acoustic Log @model
- Formation Breakdown Pressure @model
- Formation Breakdown Pressure = FBP
- Formation conductivity
- Formation Fluid Shrinkage
- Formation Neutron Log @model
- Formation permittivity
- Formation pressure = Pe
- Formation Pressure Dynamics
- Formation pressure survey
- Formation pressure vs Depletion @model
- Formation resistivity
- Formation Resistivity Imaging
- Formation Resistivity Log @model
- Formation temperature = Te
- Formation tops
- Formation unit
- Formation Volume Factor = FVF
- Formation water
- Formation water saturation
- Fourier number = Fo
- frac
- frac (dimensionless unit )
- Fraccing
- Fracture (rock)
- Fracture aperture = wf
- Fractured vertical well pressure diffusion @model
- Fracture half-length = Xf
- Fracture height = hf
- Fracture Net Pressure = pnet
- Fracture plane
- Fracture pore volume = Vef
- Fracture porosity = φf
- Fracture volume = Vf
- Fracture width = wf
- Fracturing Initiation Pressure = FIP
- Fracturing pressure = pb
- Free Cash Flow = FCF (Finance)
- Free Cash Flow Allocation (business)
- Free fluid
- Free Fluid Convection
- Free Thermal Convection
- Free Water Level (FWL)
- ft2 (unit)
- ft (unit)
- Full-field Flow Model @model
- Fundamental Principles
- Multiphase Array Production Logging Tool
- Natural Fluid Convection
- Natural Thermal Convection
- Office Operations = Office Work
- Percentage = % (dimensionless unit )
- Pipe Flow Noise
- PVT Analysis
- PVT Sampling
- Rankine (temperature unit) = °R
- Rock Summary
- Vapour Liquid Envelope
- WRM Production Targets
- Net Cash Flow = NCF (Finance)
- Financial Activities = FA (Finance)
- Geometrical Skin-factor for vertical fractured well
- Finance Rate = rf