- Hydrocarbon Netback
- Hydrocarbon Netback Price
- Leak Noise Logging
- N/A
- Natural Convection Heat Transfer Multiplier @model
- Natural Depletion Recovery (NDR)
- Natural Flow Drive Mechanism
- Natural fracture
- Natural Gas (chemical substance)
- Natural gas density
- Natural gas dew point pressure correlations
- Natural Gas Reservoir
- Natural gas viscosity correlations
- Natural Lift
- Natural Logarithm = ln() = log()
- Natural Process
- Natural Resource
- Natural Science
- Navier–Stokes equation
- NDR @model
- Near-well formation damage
- Near-well reservoir zone (NWRZ)
- Net Gas Pay Area = AG
- Net Income
- Net Oil Pay Area = AO
- Net Operating Profit After Tax = NOPAT (Finance)
- Net Pay
- Net Pay Area = AHC
- Net Present Value = NPV
- Net Present Value Rate = NPVt
- Net Profit
- Net-To-Gross (NTG) Thickness
- Net-To-Gross (NTG) Volume
- Neutral Temperature Layer @model
- Neutral Temperature Layer = NTL
- Neutron Porosity
- New Petroleum Field
- Newtonian single-phase pressure diffusion @model
- New well
- NFA = No Further Activity
- Nodal Analysis
- No Further Activity FDP = NFA
- Noise Logging
- Non-Cash Expenses (Finance)
- Non-commercial Business
- Non-drainable Oil
- Non-linear dynamic permeability @model
- Non-linear dynamic porosity @model
- Non-linear dynamic viscosity (model)
- Non-linear multi-phase diffusion derivation @model
- Non-linear multi-phase pressure diffusion @model
- Non-linear single-phase pressure diffusion for gradient rocks @model
- Non-linear single-phase pressure diffusion for high compressible fluids @model
- Non-linear single-phase pressure diffusion for high compressible rocks @model
- Non-linear single-phase pressure diffusion for turbulent flow @model
- Non-Operating Revenue (Finance)
- Non-organic chemical substance
- Non-organic petroleum fluids
- Non-Productive Time = NPT
- Non-profitable Oil Recovery
- Non-Recurring Expenses = NRE (Finance)
- Non-uniform areal pressure depletion
- Non-uniform vertical pressure depletion
- Non-uniform water front propagation
- Non-wetting phase
- Normal Conditions = NTP = n.c.
- Normal Fault Structure
- Normalised porosity = φz
- Normalised Pressure Integral = NPI
- Normalized cross-phase exchange derivatives (Rsp and Rvp)
- Normalized cross-phase exchange ratios (Rsn and Rvn)
- Normalized gas saturation (sgn)
- Normalized oil saturation (son)
- Normalized Pseudo-Pressure = Pψ
- Normalized Solution GOR (Rsn)
- Normalized Solution GOR derivative (Rsp)
- Normalized Vaporized Oil derivative (Rvp)
- Normalized Vaporized Oil Ratio (Rvn)
- Normalized Water Replenishment = NWR
- Normalized water saturation (swn)
- Northing
- Numerical integration
- Numerical Model
- Numerical Pressure Diffusion @model
- Numerical Production Forecast
- Numerical reservoir flow simulations
- Numerical reservoir pressure simulations
- Numerical solutions for single-phase pressure diffusion @model
- Nusselt number = Nu
- Reduced Friction Factor = Φ