Naturally occurred fracture in solid rocks, filled with fluid and coarse sediments.
The term Natural Fracture is used as opposite to Induced hydraulic fracture which has anthropogenic origin.
See Also
[ Infinite conductivity fracture ] [ Finite conductivity fracture ]
[ Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Well / Well-Reservoir Contact (WRC) / Hydraulic Fracture ]
[ Production / Subsurface Production / Well & Reservoir Management (WRM) / Well stimulation / Hydraulic Fracturing ]
[ Fracture conductivity (FC) ][ Dimensionless fracture conductivity (FCD) ]
[ Fracture half-length (Xf) ][ Fracture width (kf) ][ Fracture volume (Vf) ][ Fracture pore volume (Vef) ][ Fracture permeability (kf) ]