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Naturally occurred fracture in solid rocks, filled with fluid and coarse sediments.

The term Natural Fracture is used as opposite to Induced hydraulic fracture which has anthropogenic origin.

See Also

Geology / Rocks 

Infinite conductivity fracture ] [ Finite conductivity fracture ]

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Well / Well-Reservoir Contact (WRC)  / Hydraulic Fracture ]

Production / Subsurface Production / Well & Reservoir Management (WRM) / Well stimulation /  Hydraulic Fracturing ]

Hydraulic Fracture @model ]

Fracture conductivity (FC) ][ Dimensionless fracture conductivity (FCD) ]

Fracture half-length (Xf)  ][ Fracture width (kf) ][ Fracture volume (Vf) ][ Fracture pore volume (Vef) ][ Fracture permeability (kf) ]

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