Produced flowrate of live oil across the well-reservoir contact with the volumes measured at the sandface temperature and pressure conditions.

For MBO fluid model the oil sandface flowrate  q_o is related to surface flowrates of crude oil  q_O and natural gas q_G as below (see Derivation):

(1) q_o = \frac{B_o \cdot (q_O - R_v \, q_G)}{1- R_v \, R_s}



oil formation volume factor between separator and sandface pressure/temperature conditions


Vaporized oil ratio at sandface pressure/temperature conditions

It simplifies for the Black Oil model to:

(2) q_o = B_o \, q_O

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Well Testing (WT) / Flowrate Testing / Flowrate

Well & Reservoir Surveillance ]

[ Sandface flowrates ] [ Oil sandface flowrate ] [ Gas sandface flowrate ] [ Water sandface flowrate ]

Surface flowrates ] [ Oil surface flowrate ] [ Gas surface flowrate ] [ Water surface flowrate ]