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One of the Absolute permeability models based on simulating the flow through the multi-pipe conduits or multi-grain pack:

(1) k = 1014.24 \cdot {\rm FZI}^2 \cdot \frac{(\phi -\phi_0)^3}{( 1 - \phi+\phi_0)^2}
(2) {\rm FZI} = \frac{1}{\sqrt{F_S} \, S_{gV} \, \tau }


{\rm FZI}

Flow Zone Indicator

S_{gV} = \Sigma_e/V_\phi

surface pore area per unit pore volume


pore surface area


effective porosity


pore shape factor


pore volume



pore channel tortuosity

The alternative form is derived from the correlation which is valid in some practical cases:

(3) \frac{1}{\sqrt{F_S} \, S_{gV}} \approx 0.0037 \cdot d



average grain size

so that Absolute permeability is going to be:

(4) k = \frac{d^2}{72 \cdot \tau^2} \cdot \frac{(\phi -\phi_0)^3}{( 1 - \phi+\phi_0)^2}



absolute permeability


effective formation porosity


porosity cut-off


grain size


pore channel tortuosity

This correlation was historical the first physical permeability model, based on the fluid flow in porous media with simplified structure consisted of a bunch of independent capillaries with various diameters.

Later on it's been upgraded to percolation through inter-grain porous space which specifies the Flow Zone Indicator  FZI as a function of grains size distribution, grain shape and packing.

The most popular correlation with a mean grain size  D_g is given as:

(5) FZI = a \cdot D_g

where coefficient  a is a function of grain shape, packing, inter-grain clay and, as a consequence, of inter-grain effective porosity  \phi.

See also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petrophysics / Absolute permeability / Absolute permeability @model


J. Kozeny, "Ueber kapillare Leitung des Wassers im Boden." Sitzungsber Akad. Wiss., Wien, 136(2a): 271-306, 1927.

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