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There is a statistical correlation between absolute permeability  k_a and effective porosity  \phi = \phi_e which can be approximated by various empirical models based on PORO-PERM correlations.

The most generic approach to permeability modelling is based on the concepts of Flow Zone Indicator  FZI:

(1) k = 1014.24 \cdot FZI^2 \cdot \frac{\phi^3}{( 1 - \phi)^2}

In case  FZI = \rm const for each lithofacies the model  (1) represents conventional Cozeny-Karman permeability @model

In a more general case, the Flow Zone Indicator keeps dependance on variation of shaliness and effective porosity within a given lithofacies:

(2) FZI =FZI(V_{sh}, \, \phi)

but not as strong as permeability and with a better separation between lithofacies which makes it easier to pick up the correlation.

Below is the list of popular permeability-porosity models also called PORO-PERM correlations:


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