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Specific type of Production Analysis (PA) workflow based on correlation between multi-well production/injection history and bottomhole pressure history from permanent downhole gauges (PDG) data records.

The key simulation engine of MRT is pressure convolutionPressure Convolution which is based on Unit-rate Transient Responses (UTR) retrieved from Production rates / PDG data history by means of pressure deconvolutionPressure Deconvolution.

It does not require new data acquisition at well site and makes use of historical dynamic data records, usually few months or longer.




Production rate in producing well depends on its productivity index 

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, current formation pressure 
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 and current BHP 
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q_1^{\uparrow}(t)=J \cdot \left( p_e(t) - p_{wf}(t) \right)

and as such depends on completion/lift settings (defining 

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) and how formation pressure is maintained 
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bodyp_e = p_e(t)
 over time.

It keeps declining due to the offtakes:

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p_e(t) = p_e[q_1^{\uparrow}(t), q_2^{\uparrow}(t), q_3^{\uparrow}(t), \dots]

and maintained by either aquifer or Fluid Injection and in the latter case depends on injection rates:

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p_e(t) = p_e[q_1^{\downarrow}(t),q_2^{\downarrow}(t),q_3^{\downarrow}(t),\dots ]

The combination of 

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 lead to the correlation between production rates, injection rates and bottomhole pressure variation.

The ultimate purpose of MRT is to extract maximum information from correlation between the long-term (few months or longer) flowrate history and BHP history (recorded by PDG).

It is essentially based on the fact that BHP in a given well (whether producing or injecting) responds to flowrate variation in the same well and may (or may not) respond to flowrate variation in offset wells.

This information is further related to well flow performance and cross-well connectivity.




Goals & Objectives


  • Create short-term prediction model on production response to various multi-well production regimes

  • Compare the well dynamics and and cross-well connectivity with expectations and identify the candidates for drilling, workover or additional well surveillance

  • Assess dynamic reservoir properties



Production History

Simulated total subsurface flowrate history,

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Simulated BHP history,

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Production HistorySimulated flowrate historySimulated bottom-hole pressure historyFormation pressure forecast based on liquid control regime

Simulated formation pressure history,

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Simulated Productivity Index history,

Simulated cross

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Simulated Cross-well interference history

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body--uriencoded--p_%7Bk \rightarrow m%7D(t)

Production Forecast

Rate forecast

based on pressure control regime8
BHP forecast based on liquid control regime

under Pressure Control regime, 

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body--uriencoded--p_k(t), \%7B q_m(t) \%7D \rightarrow q_k(t)

BHP forecast under Liquid Control regime, 

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body--uriencoded--\%7B q_m(t) \%7D \rightarrow p_%7Bwf, \, k%7D(t)

Formation pressure forecast under Liquid Control regime, 

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body--uriencoded--\%7B q_m(t) \%7D \rightarrow p_%7Be, \, k%7D(t)

Diagnostic Metrics

Cross-well interference map
UTR MatrixUTR AtlasIPRHall Plot
Unit-rate Transient Response Matrix (UTRM)
Unit-rate Transient Response Spider (UTRS)
Material Balance Pressure Plot
Inflow Performance Relationship (IPR)
Cumulative Productivity Plot (Hall Plot)
WOR diagnostics
GOR diagnostics
Primary Well & Reservoir properties
Productivity Index

Potential drainage volume
Dynamic GOR diagnostics
Current dynamic drainage volume
WOR diagnostics
Secondary Well & Reservoir properties

Apparent transmissibility
Apparent skin-
Fracture half-length
Dynamic fracture pressure threshold





Production forecasts

Predict formation pressure without shutting wells down and avoiding production deferment
Short-term production forecasts for different multi-well production scenarios
Selecting well-intervention candidates

Identify well-intervention candidates with possible thief production/injection
Identify well-intervention candidates with possibly inefficient reservoir flow profile
Identifywell-intervention candidates for Rate Optimization
Identifywell-intervention candidates for producer ↔ injector conversion
Dynamic Model Calibration

Adjusting historical production allocation
Adjusting the potential reservoir volume extension at different directions
Adjusting faults / channels / compartmentalization
Adjusting fracture model




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Fig. 3. UTR output diagram from MDCV which is a key element of MRT. The column wells showing pressure response to row wells.

Diagonal elements are showing self-response DTRs. Non-diagonal elements showing cross-well response CTRs.


MRT @workflow



MRT @sample

See Also


Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling / Production Analysis

Material Balance AnalysisMRT @sample ] [ MRT @workflow ]

Capacitance Resistance Model (CRMPermanent downhole gauges (PDG) ] Pressure convolutionConvolution  ] [ Pressure deconvolutionDeconvolution ] [ Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) ] 
MDCV Multiwell Deconvolution (MDCV) ]

Radial Deconvolution (RDCV) ][ RDCV @model ]RDCV @sample ]

Cross-well Deconvolution (XDCV) ]XDCV @model ]XDCV @sample ] 








Despite of an obvious appeal this idea has a number of substantial drawbacks:


  1. One Drawdown transient response (DTR) for the PDG well which characterises the pressure response of the PDG well to its own rate variation
  2. N – 1 cross-well transient responses (CTR) for the interval between PDG and each of the N –1 surrounding wells and which characterises the impact the surrounding wells provide on the formation pressure in PDG well

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This set of information represent a high value for reservoir engineers for daily planning and also valuable for simulation engineers for 3D model calibration.

The weakest point of RDCB is its inability to distinguish the contour button off two (or more) wells which were changing its rate synchronously (or did not change it at all) during the whole time of the PDG recordings. 

Case Study


Fig.1. Pressure and Rate history at producing well OP-6

Должна быть картинка иллюстрирующая грубую запись давления ТМС, грубую запись нагнетательной скважины (

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Fig. 2. Pressure and Rate history at injecting well  Wl4


Fig. 3. Cumulative Withdrawals at 01.05.17 (with underlying thikness map)

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Fig. 4. Current Withdrawals at 01.05.17 (with underlying thinkness map)

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Портянка (
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Рис.5. Pressure and Rate history of well OP-6 и and rate history of surrounding wells.

ПХ (


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Fig. 7. Reconstruction of formation pressure history and delta pressure at well OP-6


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Коррекция дебитов по центральной скважине – зум вокруг явной ошиьки в исторической записи (

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Material Balance Analysis ] [ Capacitance Resistance Model (CRM) ] Pressure Transient Analysis (PTA) ]