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See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Data Acquisition / Well & Reservoir Surveillance / Well logging / Cased-Hole Logging  / Production Logging (PLT)

Well & Log Analysis ][ Borehole Flow Profile (BFP) ][ Temperature Flow Logging ][ Reservoir Noise Logging ]

PLT – Donwnhole Tools ] [ PLT – Logging Procedure ] [ PLT – Interpretation ] [ PLT – Samples ]

Well & Log Analysis ] [ Injection Logging (ILT) ]


SPE178112-MS – An Integrated Downhole Production Logging Suite for Locating Water Sources in Oil Production Wells

SPWLA-2013-TTT – Complementing Production Logging with Spectral Noise Analysis to Improve Reservoir Characterisation and Surveillance

SPE177827-MS – Correctly Allocating Injected Gas to Targeted Zones by Integrating Data From Spectral Noise and Temperature Logs

SPE166007 – Evaluating Injection Performance With High-precision Temperature Logging And Numerical Temperature Modelling

SPWLA-MERS-2007-I – Evaluation of water flooding efficiency through the static high precision temperature logging

SPE171251 – Identification of Behind-Casing Flowing Reservoir Intervals by the Integrated High-Precision Temperature and Spectral Noise Logging Techniques

SPE161712 – Innovative Noise and High-Precision Temperature Logging Tool for Diagnosing Complex Well Problems

OTC-26414-MS – Integrated Wellbore Surveillance Techniques for Effective Reservoir Management Plan

SPE157149 – Integrating Reservoir Modelling, High-Precision Temperature Logging and Spectral Noise Logging for Waterflood Analysis

SPE172090 – Numerical Temperature Modelling for Quantitative Analysis of Low-Compressible Fluid Production

IPTC 18173 – Planning infill drilling and workover programmes based on reservoiroriented production logging surveys

SPE162080 – Refinement of a Geological Reservoir Model by Detailed Correlation

OMC-2015-467 – The sound of hydrocarbons & the fluids temperature. An integrated production logging approach

OTC-26742-MS – Understanding Noises from Different Flow Mediums in Near Well Bore Region: A Novel Approach for Detection and Characterisation of Sub-Vertical Natural Flow Paths in North Kuwait Gas Fields


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