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@wikipediaConcentration of salt of salt or solid particles in fluid or soil

Weight share of solid particles (usually salt) in fluid or soil.

It is normally measured as the ratio of salt weight to pure fluid/soil weight:

LaTeX Math Block
{\rm Sal} = \frac{\mbox{mass}_{\mbox{salt}}}{\mbox{mass}_{\mbox{pure fluid/soil}}}
SymbolDimensionSI unitsOil metric unitsOil field unitsAdditional


frac =


10-3   = 10-6 ppm

= ppk = ppt = 1,000 ppm

wt% = 0.01 frac = 0.1  = 100 ppm 

[1] g/L = 10-3 frac = 10-5 wt% = 1 g/kg = 1

 =0.01 frac

 = 103 mg/L = 103 ppm 

[2] mg/L = 1 ppm =


0.01 wt% =





[1],[2]: * In engineering practice, the Salinity is often measured in [ g/L ] and [ mg/L ]  = 10   but as equivalent of ppk and ppm correspondingly.

But this is a misnomer as the right-hand side is dimensionless quantity whereas the left-hand expression has a physical meaning of the density.these units have a physical meaning of density while the standard Salinity measure is a dimensionless quantity and frac, wt%ppk and ppm should be used instead.

The equalities [1] and [2]  take the true meaning only when non-saline fluid has a density of 1 kg/L which is close to the distilled water density at Standard Conditions (0.9991 kg/L)The relation between the two has only sense for water at melting point which has a unit density.

See Also


Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Fluid (PVT) Analysis
