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titleBy petroleum mobility

Specific Gravity *API Gravity

High perm

Medium perm

Low perm

Tight (Shale)

fracAPI> 100 md10 md  ÷ 100 md0.1 md ÷ 10 md< 0.1 md
Gas< 0.5 *> 70° 

Condensate0.69 ÷ 0.81642° ÷ 74°

Light Oil

0.816 ÷ 0.87

31.1° ÷ 42°

Medium Oil0.87 ÷ 0.9320.7° ÷ 31.1°

Heavy Oil0.93 ÷ 1.010° ÷ 20.7°

Extra Heavy Oil (Bitumen)> 1.04° ÷ 10°

* – with reference to air.

where box colors mean:

and the ranges of properties in the table are only tentatively define the category based on the industry statistics and conventions, which vary over history and locations.
