Symbol | Metric unit | Oilfield unit |
q_L^{\uparrow} | cmd | bpd |
(1) | q_L^{\uparrow} = \frac{q_t}{B_w Y_W + \left[ (B_o - R_s B_g) + (B_g - R_v B_o) \, Y_G \right] \cdot (1-Y_W)} |
q_t | Total sandface flowrate |
B_w, \, B_o, \, B_g | formation volume factors between separator and sandface pressure/temperature conditions |
R_s, \, R_v | Solution GOR and Vaporized oil ratio at sandface pressure/temperature conditions |
\displaystyle Y_W^{\uparrow} = \frac{q_W^{\uparrow}}{q_L^{\uparrow}} | Production Water Cut |
\displaystyle Y_G^{\uparrow}= \frac{q_G^{\uparrow}}{q_O^{\uparrow}} | Production Gas-Oil-Ratio |
See Also
Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Well Testing (WT) / Flowrate Testing / Flowrate
[ Well & Reservoir Surveillance ]
[ Surface flowrates ] [ Oil surface flowrate ] [ Gas surface flowrate ] [ Water surface flowrate ]
[ Sandface flowrates ] [ Oil sandface flowrate ] [ Gas sandface flowrate ] [ Water sandface flowrate ] [ Total sandface flowrate ]