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Dimensionless ratio of the C-component mass in  \alpha-phase  m_{C \alpha}(p, T) to the total mass of  \alpha-phase  m_\alpha(p, T):

(1) \xi_{C \alpha} (p,T) = \frac{m_{C \alpha}(p,T)}{m_\alpha(p, T) }

It's a function of pressure  p and temperature  T and one of the key objectives of fluid modelling

The most important cross-phase exchange coefficients in practise are related to Solution GOR  R_s and Vaporized Oil Ratio  R_v in Volatile Oil fluid model:

(2) \xi_{Go} = \left( 1+\frac{1}{R_s} \frac{\rho^{\circ}_O}{\rho^{\circ}_G} \right)^{-1}
(3) \xi_{Og} = \left( 1+\frac{1}{R_v} \frac{\rho^{\circ}_G}{\rho^{\circ}_O} \right)^{-1}

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Fluid (PVT) Analysis

Cross-phase fluid exchange

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