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Physical correlation for capillary pressure on reservoir saturation:

(1) P_{cow} (s_w) = \frac{ (\sigma \cos \theta) _{ow} } { \sqrt \frac{k}{\phi}} \; J_{cow}(s_w)
(2) P_{cog} (s_g) = \frac{ (\sigma \cos \theta)_{og} } { \sqrt \frac{k}{\phi}} \; J_{cog}(s_g)



oil-water surface tension


oil-gas surface tension


oil-gas contact angle


oil-gas contact angle


absolute permeability to air


some function of water saturation


some function of gas saturation

The functions  J_{cow}(s_w) and  J_{cog}(s_g) are called Leverett J-functions

They are individual to every certain rock type, just like relative permeability curves.

There are many correlations for Leverett J-functions and the most popular is Brooks-Corey correlation:

(3) J_{cow}(s_w) = a \ ( s_{wn} )^{-1 / \lambda}


s_{wn} = \frac {s_w - s_{wс}}{1-s_{wс}} – normalised water saturation,

s_{wс} – critical water saturation,

a, \lambda – model parameters which are set for laboratory data on capillary pressure and/or on resistivity water saturation during SHF.

Model parameter  \lambda is related to the the size of the pore size distribution.

The most popular value is 2 but it can vary to smaller or higher values.

See also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petrophysics / Capillary pressure / Capillary pressure @model

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