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Volumetric shares of petroleum fluids phases  V_\alpha saturating effective pore volume  V_\phi:

(1) s_\alpha = \frac{V_\alpha}{V_\phi}
(2) \sum_\alpha V_\alpha = V_\phi
(3) \sum_\alpha s_\alpha = 1

In most popular case of a 3-phase fluid model this will be:

(4) s_w + s_o + s_g = 1


s_w = s_w({\bf r})

water phase saturation at reservoir location \bf r

s_o= s_o({\bf r})

oil phase saturation at reservoir location \bf r

s_g= s_g({\bf r})

gas phase saturation at reservoir location \bf r

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petrophysics / Volumetric Rock Model (VRM)

Basic reservoir properties ]

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