A set of
 Well & Reservoir Surveillance operations with a particular purpose to reveal and locate unintentional fluid leakage through well completion.

Below is the list of popular methods of Leak Detection:

Surface Leak TestsWell Logging
Bleed-off TestAnnulus Pressure TestLeak Tracer TestLeak PLT LoggingLeak Temperature LoggingLeak Noise Logging

The primary concern on the fluid leakage is the presence of Sustainable Annulus Pressure (SAP) but not all the leaks expose themselves through SAPs, like for example the casing leak below the tubing packer.

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Data Acquisition / Well & Reservoir Surveillance

Well & Log Analysis ][ Sustainable Annulus Pressure (SAP) ]

Pipe Defectoscopy ][ Cement Sheath Logging ]