Lifting process at which liquid production rate stays constant over time along with pump settings :

q^{\uparrow}_L(t) = q^{\uparrow}_{LL} = \rm const

The usual lifting mechanism supporting this method is ESP and SRP.

In practice the constant rate production can only be maintained for wells with BHP    being above critical value   at which pump is operational:

p_{wf}(t) > p_{wf,c}

otherwise the pump  stabilizes production at critical pressure :

p_{wf}(t) = p_{wf,c}

and the actual liquid production rate starts declining linearly with formation pressure:

q_L(t) = J \cdot ( p_e(t) - p_{wf,c} )

In case formation pressure in producer receives a support and gets high enough to make   estimation equal to original pump setting  then liquid production rate gets back to .

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Well Testing (WT) / Flowrate Testing / Flowrate

Well & Reservoir Surveillance ]

Surface flowrates ] [ Oil surface flowrate ] [ Gas surface flowrate ] [ Water surface flowrate ] 

Sandface flowrates ] [ Oil sandface flowrate ] [ Gas sandface flowrate ] [ Water sandface flowrate ]  [ Total sandface flowrate ]