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Lifting process at which liquid production rate stays constant over time along with pump settings q^{\uparrow}_{LL}:

(1) q^{\uparrow}_L(t) = q^{\uparrow}_{LL} = \rm const

The usual lifting mechanism supporting this method is ESP and SRP.

In practice the constant rate production can only be maintained for wells with BHP p_{wf}   being above critical value  p_{wf,c}  at which pump is operational:

(2) p_{wf}(t) > p_{wf,c}

otherwise the pump  stabilizes production at critical pressure  p_{wf,c}:

(3) p_{wf}(t) = p_{wf,c}

and the actual liquid production rate starts declining linearly with formation pressure:

(4) q_L(t) = J \cdot ( p_e(t) - p_{wf,c} )

In case formation pressure in producer receives a support and gets high enough to make   (4) estimation equal to original pump setting  q^{\uparrow}_{LL} then liquid production rate gets back to (1).

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Well Testing (WT) / Flowrate Testing / Flowrate

Well & Reservoir Surveillance ]

Surface flowrates ] [ Oil surface flowrate ] [ Gas surface flowrate ] [ Water surface flowrate ] 

Constant pressure production: pwf = const ] 

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