k = 1014.24 \cdot FZI^2 \cdot \frac{\phi^3}{( 1 - \phi )^2}


effective porosity

Flow Zone Indicator

with Flow Zone Indicator having a complex dependance on porosity and shaliness:

FZI(V_{sh},\phi_r) = {\rm w}_1(V_{sh}) \, \phi_r^{m_1} + {\rm w}_2(V_{sh}) \, \phi_r^{m_2}

Usually, the first component   dictates Flow Zone Indicator values at low porosities while second component  takes over at high porosities.

This allows to cover a wider range of porosity variations comparing to single-component Cozeny-Karman permeability @model.

The dependance of weight coefficients on shaliness can be often approximated as:

{\rm w}_1(V_{sh})  = {\rm w}_{01} \, (1- V_{sh}/V_{sh1})^{g_1}

{\rm w}_2(V_{sh}) = {\rm w}_{02} \, (1- V_{sh}/V_{sh2})^{g_2}


the highest values of weights for shale-free rock matrix

critical values of shaliness at which the corresponding component Flow Zone Indicator vanishes

cementing factors, when low they diminish dependance on shaliness

This model is very flexible and covers a wide range of practical cases.

When  and  are small () the Flow Zone Indicator becomes independent on porosity and shaliness and the model degrades to conventional Cozeny-Karman permeability @model with .

See also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petrophysics / Absolute permeability / Absolute permeability @model