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LaTeX Math Inline
bodyq_0 = q(l=0)

fluid flow rate at pipe intake

LaTeX Math Inline
body\rho_0 = \rho(T_0, p_0)

fluid density at intake temperature and pressure

LaTeX Math Inline

Fluid Compressibility

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--f(%7B\rm Re%7D, \, \epsilon)

Darcy friction factor

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--\displaystyle %7B\rm Re%7D = \frac%7Bu(l) \cdot d%7D%7B\nu(l)%7D = \frac%7B4 \rho_0 q_0%7D%7B\pi d%7D \frac%7B1%7D%7B\mu(T, p)%7D

Reynolds number in Pipe Flow

LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--\displaystyle d = \sqrt%7B \frac%7B4 A%7D%7B\pi%7D%7D

characteristic linear dimension of the pipe

(or exactly a pipe diameter in case of a circular pipe)
