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( also called  unit-rate self-response )

In single-well deconvolution

Sandface pressure response drop to the constant unit-rate production  q(t)=1:

(1) p_u(t) = p_{\rm wf}(0) - p_{\rm wf}(t)|_{q = 1} >0, \quad p_{u}(0) = 0

In multi-well deconvolution

Sandface pressure response drop  in well "m" to the constant unit-rate production  q_m=1 from the same well "m":

(2) p_{u,mm}(t) = p_{{\rm wf}, mm}(0) -p_{{\rm wf}, mm}(t)|_{q_m = 1} >0, \quad p_{u,mk}(0) = 0

Fig. 1. A sample of typical DTR (pressure drop P in blue and log-derivative P' in red) presented on PTA type-library log-log plot

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Well Testing / Pressure Testing / Unit-rate transient response (UTR)

Cross-well Transient Response (CTR) ]

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