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Mathematical model of Capacitance Resistance Model (CRM)

CRM – Single-Injector Capacitance Resistance Model

The model equation is:

(1) q^{\uparrow}(t) + \tau \cdot \frac{ d q^{\uparrow}}{ dt } = f \cdot q^{\downarrow}(t) - \gamma \cdot \frac{d p_{wf}}{dt}



average surface production per well


average surface injection per well


average bottomhole pressure in producers


unitless constant, showing the share of injection which actually contributes to production


time-measure constant, related to well productivity


Reservoir Storage

The  \tau and  \gamma constants are related to some primary well and reservoir properties:

(2) \gamma = c_t \, V_\phi
(3) \tau = \frac{\gamma}{J} = \frac{c_t V_\phi}{J}



total formation-fluid compressibility

V_\phi = \phi \, V_R

drainable reservoir volume


total rock volume within the drainage area


average effective reservoir porosity


total fluid productivity index

Total formation compressibility is a linear sum of reservoir/fluid components:

(4) c_t = c_r + s_w c_w + s_o c_w + s_g c_g



rock compressibility

c_w, \, c_o, \, c_g

water, oil, gas compressibilities

s_w, \, s_o, \, s_g

water, oil, gas formation saturations

The first assumption of CRM is that productivity index of producers stays constant in time:

(5) J = \frac{q_{\uparrow}(t)}{p_r(t) - p_{wf}(t)} = \rm const

which can be re-written as explicit formula for formation pressure:

(6) p_r(t) = p_{wf}(t) + J^{-1} q_{\uparrow}(t)

The second assumption is that drainage volume of producers-injectors system is finite and constant in time:

(7) V_\phi = V_r \phi = \rm const

The third assumption is that total formation-fluid compressibility stays constant in time:

(8) c_t \equiv \frac{1}{V_{\phi}} \cdot \frac{dV_{\phi}}{dp} = \rm const

which can be easily integrated:

(9) V_{\phi}(t) =V^\circ_{\phi} \cdot \exp \big[ - c_t \cdot [p_i - p_r(t)] \big]

where p_i is field-average initial formation pressure, V^\circ_{\phi} is initial drainage volume,

p_r(t) – field-average formation pressure at time moment t,

V_{\phi}(t) is drainage volume at time moment t.

Equation (8) can be rewritten as:

(10) dV_{\phi} = c_t \, V_{\phi} \, dp

The dynamic variations in drainage volume dV_{\phi} are due to production/injection:

(11) dV_{\phi}= \int_0^t q_{\uparrow}(\tau) d\tau - f \int_0^t q_{\downarrow}(\tau) d\tau

and leading to corresponding formation pressure variation:

(12) dp = p_i - p_r(t)

thus making (10) become:

(13) \int_0^t q_{\uparrow}(\tau) d\tau - f \int_0^t q_{\downarrow}(\tau) d\tau = c_t \, V_\phi \, [p_i - p_r(t)]

and differentiated

(14) q_{\uparrow}(\tau) = f q_{\downarrow}(\tau) - c_t \, V_\phi \, \frac{d p_r(t)}{d t}

and substituting p_r(t) from productivity equation (6):

(15) q_{\uparrow}(\tau) = f q_{\downarrow}(\tau) - c_t \, V_\phi \, \left[ \frac{d p_{wf}(t)}{d t} + J^{-1} \frac{d q_{\uparrow}}{d t} \right]

which leads to (1).

The equation  (1) can be integrated explicitly:

(16) q^{\uparrow} (t) =\exp(-t/\tau) \cdot \left[ \ q^{\uparrow} (0) + \tau^{-1} \cdot \int_0^t \exp(s/\tau) \left[ f \cdot q^{\downarrow}(s) - \gamma \frac{dp}{ds} \right] ds \ \right]

and written in equivalent form:

(17) q^{\uparrow} (t) =\exp(-t/\tau) \cdot \left[ \ q^{\uparrow} (0) + \tau^{-1} \gamma \cdot \big( p(0) - p(t) \cdot \exp(t/\tau) \big) +\tau^{-1} \cdot \int_0^t \exp(s/\tau) \left[ f \cdot q^{\downarrow}(s) + \gamma \cdot p(s) \right] ds \ \right]

objective function is:

(18) E[\tau, \gamma, f] = \sum_k \big[ q^{\uparrow}(t_k) - \tilde q^{\uparrow}(t_k) \big]^2 \rightarrow \min

The basic constraints are:

(19) \tau \geq 0 , \quad \gamma \geq 0, \quad f \geq 0

The additional constraints may be imposed as:

(20) f \leq 1

which means that a part of injection ( 1 - f) is going away from the reservoir drained by producer.

CRMP – Multi-Injector Capacitance Resistance Model

The model equation is:

(21) q^{\uparrow}_n (t) + \tau_n \cdot \frac{ d q^{\uparrow}_n}{ dt }= \sum_m f_{nm} \cdot q^{\downarrow}_m(t) - \gamma_n \cdot \frac{d p_n}{dt}

This equation can be integrated explicitly:

(22) q^{\uparrow}_n (t) =\exp(-t/\tau_n) \cdot \left[ \ q^{\uparrow}_n (0) + \tau_n^{-1} \cdot \int_0^t \exp(s/\tau_n) \left[ \sum_m f_{nm} \cdot q^{\downarrow}_m(s) - \gamma_n \frac{dp_n}{ds} \right] ds \right]

The objective function is:

(23) E[\tau_n, \gamma_n, f_{nm}] = \sum_k \sum_n \big[ q^{\uparrow}_n(t_k) - \tilde q^{\uparrow}_n(t_k) \big]^2 \rightarrow \min

The constraints are:

(24) \tau_n \geq 0 , \quad \gamma_n \geq 0, \quad f_{nm} \geq 0 , \quad \sum_i^{N^{\uparrow}} f_{nm} \leq 1

ICRM  – Integrated Multi-Injector Capacitance Resistance Model

The model equation is:

(25) Q^{\uparrow}_n (t) = \sum_n f_{nm} Q^{\downarrow}_n(t) - \tau_n \cdot \big[ q^{\uparrow}_n(t) - q^{\uparrow}_n(0) \big] - \gamma_n \cdot \big[ p_n(t) - p_n(0) \big]

The objective function is:

(26) E[\tau_n, \gamma_n, f_{nm}] = \sum_k \sum_n \big[ Q^{\uparrow}_n(t_k) - \tilde Q^{\uparrow}_n(t_k) \big]^2 \rightarrow \min

The constraints are:

(27) \tau_j \geq 0 , \quad \gamma_n \geq 0, \quad f_{ij} \geq 0 , \quad \sum_i^{N^{\uparrow}} f_{ij} \leq 1

QCRM  – Liquid-Control Multi-Injector  Capacitance Resistance Model

The model equation is:

(28) p_n(t) = p_n(0) - \tau_n / \gamma_n \cdot \big[ q^{\uparrow}_n(t) - q^{\uparrow}_n(0) \big] - \gamma_n^{-1} \cdot Q^{\uparrow}_n (t) + \gamma_n^{-1} \cdot \sum_m f_{nm} \ Q^{\downarrow}_m(t)

The objective function is:

(29) E[\tau_n, \gamma_n, f_{nm}] = \sum_k \sum_n \big[ p_n(t_k) - \tilde p_n(t_k) \big]^2 \rightarrow \min

The constraints are:

(30) \tau_n \geq 0 , \quad \gamma_n \geq 0, \quad f_{nm} \geq 0 , \quad \sum_i^{N^{\uparrow}} f_{ij} \leq 1, \quad p_{nr}(0) > 0


(31) p_{nr}(0) = p_n(0) + (\tau_n / \gamma_n) \cdot q^{\uparrow}_n(0)

is the initial formation pressure.

The equation (28) can be re-written with explicit form of initial formation pressure:

(32) p_n(t) = p_{nr}(0) + (\tau_n / \gamma_n) \cdot q^{\uparrow}_n(t) + \gamma_n^{-1} \cdot \sum_m f_{nm} \ Q_m^{\downarrow}(t)

where Q_m could be both producer Q_m^{\uparrow} or injector Q_m^{\downarrow}.

p_{nr}(0) is known then it can be fixed during the search loop which normally improves the quality of future production forecasts.

XCRM  – Liquid-Control Cross-well Capacitance Resistance Model

(33) p_e \ (t) = p_{nr}(0) + \gamma_n^{-1} \cdot \sum_m \left( Q^{\uparrow}_{nm} + Q^{\downarrow}_{nm} \ \right)
(34) p_{wf, n} \ \ \ (t) = p_e(t) + J_n^{-1} \cdot q_n(t)
(35) Q^{\uparrow}_{nm} \ = \ - \ f^{\uparrow}_{O,nm} \ \cdot B_{ob} \cdot \, Q^{\uparrow}_O   \ - \ f^{\uparrow}_{G,nm} \ \cdot B_{go} \cdot Q^{\uparrow}_G \ - \ f^{\uparrow}_{W,nm} \ \cdot B_w \cdot Q^{\uparrow}_W
(36) Q^{\downarrow}_{nm} \ = f^{\downarrow}_{G,nm} \ \cdot B_{go} \cdot Q^{\downarrow}_G \ + \ f^{\downarrow}_{W,nm} \ \cdot B_w \cdot Q^{\downarrow}_W \ + \ B_{go} \cdot Q^{\downarrow}_{GCAP} \ \ + \ B_w \cdot Q^{\downarrow}_{WAQ}
(37) Q_m(t) = \int_0^t q_m(t) \, dt
(38) B_{og} = \frac{B_o - R_s \, B_g}{1- R_s \, R_v}
(39) B_{go} = \frac{ B_g - R_v \, B_o}{1- R_s \, R_v}

The objective function is:

(40) E[\tau_n, \gamma_n, f_{nm}] = \sum_k \sum_n \left[ {\rm w}_e \cdot \left( p_{e,n} \ (t_k) - \tilde p_{e,n} \ (t_k) \right)^2 + {\rm w}_{wf} \ \ \cdot \left( p_{wf,n} \ (t_k) - \tilde p_{wf,n} \ (t_k) \right)^2 + \right] \rightarrow \min

The constraints are:

(41) \tau_n \geq 0 , \quad \gamma_n \geq 0, \quad f_{nm} \geq 0 , \quad \sum_i^{N^{\uparrow}} f_{nm} \leq 1

In regular case , the initial formation pressure at datum is the same for all wells:  p_{nr}(0) = p_i = {\rm const}, \ \forall n

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling / Production Analysis / Capacitance Resistance Model (CRM)

Production – Injection Pairing @ model

[ Slightly compressible Material Balance Pressure @model ]


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