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Implicit Correlations


These correlations are quite accurate and work in a wide range of pressures and temperatures but computationally expensive and may have problems with convergence when approaching the critical temperature.

Hall and Yarborough’s Z-factor correlation @model

Dranchuk, Purvis and Robinson’s Correlation (Dranchuket al. 1971)

Dranchuk and Abou-Kassem’s correlation (Abou-kassemand Dranchuk 1975)


Explicit Correlations


The explicit correlations do not have convergence issues, generate smooth derivatives for compressibility calculations and provide fast computing.


Kareem Z-factor Correlation @model (2016)

Sanjari and Nemati’s Correlation (2012)

Azizi, Behbahani and Isazadeh’s Correlation (2010)

Heidaryan, Moghdasi and Rahimi’s Correlation (2010)

Brill & Beggs Z-factor Correlation @model (1973)


See also


Natural Science / Physics /Thermodynamics / Equation of State / Z-factor
