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Versions Compared


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  1. Start with true UTRs 
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    body\displaystyle p_{u, ik}(t)
    with the same LTR asymptotic
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    body\displaystyle p_{u, ik}(t) \rightarrow \frac{t}{RS}
  2. Select injector W0 
  3. Select producer W1
  4. Perform two convolution tests in virtual space:
    1. Test #1 – DTR_11
      1. Calculate historically-averaged rate for each producer: 
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        body\displaystyle q^*_k = \frac{1}{N_k} \sum_{m=1}^{N_k} q_k(t_m)
      2. Calculate interfering DTR_11: 
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        body\displaystyle p^*_{u, 11}(t) = p_{u, 11}(t) + \sum_{k \neq 1} p_{u, k1}(t) \cdot q^*_k
         (, meaning that injector W0 is shut-down and all producers are working with constant rates 
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        , except producer W1 which is working with unit-rate)
    2.  Test #2 – CTR_01
      1. Calculate historically-averaged rate for each producer: 
        LaTeX Math Inline
        body\displaystyle q^*_k = \frac{1}{N_k} \sum_{m=1}^{N_k} q_k(t_m)
      2. Calculate interfering CTR_01: 
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        body\displaystyle p^*_{u, 01}(t) = p_{u, 01}(t) + \sum_{k} p_{u, k1}(t) \cdot q^*_k
         (, meaning that injector W0 is working with unit-rate and all producers are working with constant rates 
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  5. Calculate injection share constant
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    body\displaystyle f_{01} = \frac{\dot p^*_{01}(t)}{\dot p^*_{11}(t)} \Bigg|_{t \rightarrow \infty}
     as LLS over equation: 
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    body\displaystyle \dot p^*_{01}(t) = f_{01} \cdot \dot p^*_{11}(t)
  6. Repeat the same for other producers (starting from point 3 onwards)
  7. Repeat the same for other injectors (starting from point 2 onwards)
