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Difference between cumulative water injection 

LaTeX Math Inline
 and cumulative water production 
LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded-- Q_w%5e%7BW%5e%7B\uparrow%7D
 normalized on to the pore volume
LaTeX Math Inline
body--uriencoded--V_%7Bphi%7D%7B\rm phi%7D

LaTeX Math Block
{\rm NWR} =  \frac { B_w \cdot ( Q_w^W^{\downarrow} - Q_w^W^{\uparrow} ) /}{ V_{\rm phi} }

See Also


Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling /  Production Analysis / Waterflood Diagnostics / Water Replenishment (WR)
