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The lowest alkanes with the chemical formula CH4 (one atom of carbon and four atoms of hydrogenbeing gaseous in normal conditions.

Chemical Formula CH4
Molecular Weight (lb/mol)16.04
Critical Temp. (°F)-116.2
Critical Pressure (psia)673
Boiling Point (°F)-258.7
Melting Point (°F)-296.5
Psat @ 70°F (psia)(note 1)
Liquid Density @ 70°F (lb/ft3)(note 1)
Gas Density @ 70°F 1 atm (lb/ft3)0.0416
Specific Volume @ 70°F 1 atm (ft3/lb)24.06
Specific Gravity0.565
Specific Heat @ 70°F (Btu/lbmol-°F)8.53

See also


Natural Science / Physics / Chemistry / Chemical Substance / Hydrocarbons / Alkanes