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Consider a well-reservoir system consisting of:

  • producing well W1 draining  with total sandface flowrate 
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     and bhp 
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    , draining the reservoir volume
    LaTeX Math Inline
    bodyV_{\phi, 1}
  • water injecting well W2 supporting  with total sandface flowrate 
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    bodyq_2(t) <0
    , supporting pressure in reservoir volume
    LaTeX Math Inline
    bodyV_{\phi, 2}
     which includes the drainage volume 
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    bodyV_{\phi, 1}
     of producer W1 and potentially other producers. 


Case #2 – Constant BHP
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bodyp_1 = \rm const

Assume that the flowrate flowrate in producer W1 is being automatically adjusted by

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body\delta q_1(t)
in producer W1 is being adjusted to  to compensate the bottom-hole pressure variation 
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body\delta p_1(t)
in response to the the  total sandface flowrate variation 
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body\delta q_2
 in injector W2 so that bottom-hole pressure in producer W1 stays constant at all times
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body\delta p_1(t) = \delta p_1 = \rm const
. In petroleum practice this happens when the formation is capable to deliver more fluid than the current lift settings in producer so that the bottom-hole pressure in producer is constantly kept at minimum value defined by the lift design..

In this case, flowrate response 

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body\delta q_1
in producer W1 to the flowrate variation 
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body\delta q_2
 in injector W2 is going to be:
