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Summary Date16.03.2004
Production Start date01.06.1993
Operational environmentDeep water offshore150 m sea bedding
Number of platforms
A North, A South, B
Number Total number of wellsNt5

Producers Producers ActiveNp5Producers SuspendedNps0Total = Active + Idle + P&ANpap15 = 11 + 3 + 20

Injectors ActiveNi0Injectors SuspendedNis0Injectors Total = Active + Idle + P&ANiai8 = 7 + 1 + 0

Recovery methodNatural DepletionWater flooding
Lifting mechanismNatural lift
Current formation pressure in producersPe11,000kpa= 0.71 Pi
Cumulative Voidage ReplacementVRR115%
Current Voidage ReplacementVRR130%
Current RFORFO28%= 76 % from ERFO
Current RFGRFG12%
Cumulative oil production∑ Qo1.5106 m3
Cumulative gas production∑ Qg150106 m3CumGOR = 1.1 Rs
Cumulative water production∑ Qw0106 m3CumYw = 80%
Cumulative water injection∑ Qwi0106 m3
Cumulative gas injection∑ Qgi0106 m3

Current oil productionQo0103 m3/d

Current gas production

Qg0103 m3/d
GOR = 0.75 MMscf/stb = 1.4 Rs
Current water productionQw0103 m3/d
Yw = 20 %
Current water injectionQwi0103 m3/d
Current gas injectionQgi0103 m3/d
