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Table of Contents

Constant composition expansion

A volume of undersaturated oil is expanded in a PV-cell in which all of the fluid is contained within the cell during a series of pressure decrements: usually from the initial pressure (or above) to the bubble point. (Fig. 3.2.2.). 

Fig. 3.2.2. Constant composition expansion
After each pressure step, the oil volume is measured and reported as a relative volume (RV):
In which Vb is the volume at the bubble point. From inspection it will be apparent that the RV is necessarily less than unity and decreases with increasing pressure. Oil density and compressibility are also reported. The bubble point pressure is manifest, as described above, by the sudden large change in volume for a small change in pressure, due to the evolution of high compressibility gas.

Differential vaporization experiment

The differential vaporization experiment defines the changing FVF and solution GOR below the bubble point pressure. Gas saturated oil is charged to a PV-cell and the pressure is reduced in steps below the bubble point; after each, the evolved gas is removed from the cell and its volume measured along with the volume of gas saturated oil remaining in the cell. Once the pressure has been reduced to atmospheric, the temperature is decreased from the reservoir value to 20 oС (60 oF), meaning that the final state is the stock tank condition (14.69 psi, 60 oF), at which the remaining oil in the cell is referred to as the "residual7' volume (stb), to which all oil volumes are related at any stage of depletion. (Fig. 3.2.3.).

Fig. 3.2.3. Differential vaporization experiment
From the volumetric measurements of the oil and gas it is possible to calculate:
Bod – FVF of the oil at each stage of depletion:
Rsd – corresponding solution GOR:
The subscript «d» relates to the differential experiment.

Separator tests

The series of separator tests is required to correct the results of the differential vaporization, which may be regarded as an absolute experiment, for the conditions of gas-oil surface separation applied in the field. Saturated oil is charged to a PV-cell at the bubble point and allowed to expand through separators (single, two, three stage, or more, each operating at different pressures and temperatures) to stock tank conditions (Fig. 3.2.4.). 

Fig. 3.2.4. Separator tests
These are referred to as flash expansions to which the subscript «d» is applied. Each experiment will provide different values of:
Bobf – flash FVF of the bubble point oil:
Rsif – solution GOR of the bubble point oil:
The latter being the sum of the GOR's measured for each stage of separation. The values of these parameters will vary dependent on the number of separator stages applied in each experiment and their operating conditions.
Below the bubble point, the absolute results of the differential vaporization require modification to cater for the effect of the conditions of separation. The required FVF then becomes: 
Froim which the required GOR (can be evaluated as: 
Alternatively, above the bubble point, applying equation:
These are the values of the FVF and GOR, as functions of pressure. Maximising the STOIIP requires the determination of the optimum conditions of separation for which Bobf and Rsif both have minimum values. It would be both time consuming and expensive to attempt to achieve this optimisation by performing repeated separator flash experiments in the laboratory. Instead, optimisation can best be established by calculation, as described below. 

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Типы тестов

Пластовая нефть

    • Исследование при постоянной массе CCE (PV-соотношение).
    • Стандартная сепарация (Flash Vaporization).
    • Ступенчатая сепарация (Separator test ).
    • Дифференциальное разгазирование (Differential test).

Пластовый газ (газоконденсат)

    • Исследование при постоянной массе CCE (PV-соотношение).
    • Исследование при постоянном объёме на истощение (CVD).
    • Стандартная сепарация (Flash Vaporization).
    • Ступенчатая сепарация (Separator test).

Определяемые параметры

Определение физико-химических характеристик и свойств разгазированной нефти и газа сепарации

  • плотность нефти после однократной (стандартной) и ступенчатой сепарации;
  • плотность газа стандартной сепарации и каждой ступени сепарации;
  • молекулярная масса нефти;
  • вязкость кинематическая и динамическая при температурах 10, 20, 30, 40 50 0С;
  • кислотное число;
  • содержание в дегазированной (стабильной) нефти парафинов, смол, асфальтенов, воды, механических примесей, общей серы, хлористых солей;
  • фракционный состав по Энглеру;
  • температура застывания нефти;
  • температура плавления парафина.

Определение физико-химических параметров пластового флюида

Для нефти:

  • давление насыщения;
  • газосодержание при однократной сепарации;
  • объемный коэффициент нефти после однократной сепарации;
  • вязкость при пластовых условиях;
  • плотность при пластовых условиях;
  • коэффициент сжимаемости пластовой нефти;
  • компонентный состав нефти (до С9+) после однократной сепарации;
  • компонентный состав газа однократной сепарации;
  • плотность газа стандартной сепарации;
  • компонентный состав пластовой нефти;
  • объемный коэффициент пластовой нефти при ступенчатой сепарации;
  • газосодержание при ступенчатой сепарации.

Для пластового газа:

  • точка росы;
  • конденсатогазовый фактор;
  • плотность и вязкость пластового газа при пластовых условиях;
  • компонентный состав конденсата (до С21+) после однократной сепарации;
  • компонентный состав газа однократной сепарации;
  • компонентный состав пластового газа;
  • параметры дифференциальной конденсации пластового газа.
