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The tendency of the rocks solid material to imbibe one fluid (known as "wetting phase") in the presence of another fluid (known as "non-wetting phase").

The usual classification is:

Typical values of RPM properties 

swcs*w  @ krwo = krowkrwo @ max sw = 1- sor
Oil wetswc < 0.1 – 0.15s*w < 0.5

krwo ~ 0.5

Oil is wetting phase and slow while water is agile
Water wetswc > 0.2 – 0.25s*w > 0.5krwo < 0.3Water is wetting phase and slow while oil is agile
Mixed wettability0.1 < swc < 0.25

s*w ~ 0.5

0.3 < krwo < 0.5Oil and water have similar agility

See also

Physics /  Fluid Dynamics / Percolation

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petrophysics

Permeability ] [Relative permeability ]


[1] Fundamentals of Wettability - Oilfield Review - 2007

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