Correlation between Water-Oil-Ratio (WOR) and Water Oil Balance Ratio (WOBR):
{\rm WOR} = \Phi \left( \frac{ \Omega_W^{\downarrow} \cdot Q_W^{\downarrow} - \Omega_W^{\uparrow} \cdot Q_W^{\uparrow} } { EUOR - Q_O^{\uparrow} } \right) |
\Phi() is some function.
For example, one can select
\Phi(x) = x^n and search for the exponent
n, good water percentages
\Omega_W^{\uparrow} and even adjust
EUOR in order to achieve the best model
{\rm WOR}^*(t) fit to the WOR history:
where \left\| x \right\| is the norm of x.
See Also
Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling / Production Analysis / Watercut Diagnostics