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(1) {\nu}_{12} = \exp \left[ \, \exp \left(\frac{A_{12}-10.975}{14.534} \right) - 0.8 \, \right]
(2) A_{12} = y_1 \, A_1 + y_2 \, A_2
(3) A_i = 14.534 \, \ln \left[ \, \ln \left( \nu_i + 0.8 \right) \, \right] + 10.975, \ \ i = \{ 1,2\}



kinematic viscosity of fluid mixture 


kinematic viscosity of the 1st fluid component


kinematic viscosity of the 2nd fluid component


weight fraction of the 1st fluid component


weight fraction of the 2nd fluid component

See also

Physics / Fluid Dynamics / Fluid Mixing Rules / Mixing Rules for Viscosity


ASTM D7152, Standard Practice for Calculating Viscosity of a Blend of Petroleum Products. ASTM Book of Standards, vol. 05.04.

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