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(1) \Delta Q_N = \frac{\Delta Q}{V_e}
(2) \Delta Q = - \frac{B_o - R_s \, B_g}{1- R_s \, R_v} \cdot \, Q^{\uparrow}_O + \frac{ B_g - R_v \, B_o}{1- R_s \, R_v} \cdot \, \left( Q^{\downarrow}_G - Q^{\uparrow}_G + Q^{\downarrow}_{GCAP} \right) + B_w \, \left( Q^{\downarrow}_W - Q^{\uparrow}_W + Q^{\downarrow}_{WAQ} \right)


\Delta Q(t)

Cumulative Voidage Replacement Balance (CVRB) over time  t

V_e = V \cdot \phi_i

initial drainage volume of the main pay (excluding the aquifer and gas cap)

\phi_i = \phi(p_i)

initial porosity

If Aquifer Expansion and/or Gas Cap expansion are unknown they are simply ignored for the first pressure modelling run:  Q^{\downarrow}_{GCAP} = 0, \ Q^{\downarrow}_{WAQ} = 0.

They can be adjusted at the next model runs by fitting formation pressure response (see Material Balance Pressure @model).

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling / Production Analysis / Voidage Replacement Balance (VRB)

[ Material Balance Pressure @model ]

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