Mathematical Model
The Volatile Oil flow dynamics is defined by the following set of 3D equations:
(1) | \partial_t \bigg [ \phi \ \bigg ( \frac{s_w}{B_w} \bigg ) \bigg ] + \nabla \bigg ( \frac{1}{B_w} \ \mathbf{u}_w \bigg ) = q_W (\mathbf{r}) |
(2) | \partial_t \bigg [ \phi \ \bigg ( \frac{s_o}{B_o} + \frac{R_v \ s_g} {B_g} \bigg ) \bigg ] + \nabla \bigg ( \frac{1}{B_o} \ \mathbf{u}_o + \frac{R_v}{B_g} \ \mathbf{u}_g \bigg ) = q_O(\mathbf{r}) |
(3) | \partial_t \bigg [ \phi \ \bigg ( \frac{s_g}{B_g} + \frac{R_s \ s_o} {B_o} \bigg ) \bigg ] + \nabla \bigg ( \frac{1}{B_g} \ \mathbf{u}_g + \frac{R_s}{B_o} \ \mathbf{u}_o \bigg ) = q_G (\mathbf{r}) |
(4) | \mathbf{u}_w = - k_a \ \frac{k_{rw}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_w} \ ( \nabla P_w - \rho_w \ \mathbf{g} ) |
(5) | \mathbf{u}_o = - k_a \ \frac{k_{ro}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_o} \ ( \nabla P_o - \rho_o \ \mathbf{g} ) |
(6) | \mathbf{u}_g = - k_a \ \frac{k_{rg}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_g} \ ( \nabla P_g - \rho_g \ \mathbf{g} ) |
(7) | P_o - P_w = P_{cow}(s_w) |
(8) | P_o - P_g = P_{cog}(s_g) |
(9) | s_w + s_o + s_g = 1 |
(10) | (\rho \,c_{pt})_p \frac{\partial T}{\partial t} - \ \phi \sum_{a = \{w,o,g \}} \rho_\alpha \ c_{p \alpha} \ \eta_{s \alpha} \ \frac{\partial P_\alpha}{\partial t} + \bigg( \sum_{a = \{w,o,g \}} \rho_\alpha \ c_{p \alpha} \ \epsilon_\alpha \ \mathbf{u}_\alpha \bigg) \nabla P + \bigg( \sum_{a = \{w,o,g \}} \rho_\alpha \ c_{p \alpha} \ \mathbf{u}_\alpha \bigg) \ \nabla T - \nabla (\lambda_t \nabla T) = \rho_{\rm inj} \, c_{\rm inj} \, T_{\rm inj} \, q_{\rm inj}({\bf r})\, \delta({\bf r}) |
The disambiguation of the properties in the above equation is brought in The list of dynamic flow properties and model parameters.
The right sides of equations (1) – (3) suggest no sources of flow except the contacts between wells and reservoir which is specified by well models as boundary conditions (see below).
Initial Conditions
Initial temperature distribution is set as input:
T(0, \mathbf{r}) = T_0(\mathbf{r}) |
In case the simulation is performed over the undisturbed reservoir then initial temperature distribution is geothermal.
The initial condition on phase pressure, phase velocities and phase saturations is set by one of the following options: Equilibrium Start and Non-equilibrium Start.
Condition I – Equilibrium Start
Equilibrium Start means that flow was not happening before the start: \{ \mathbf{u}_w = 0, \ \mathbf{u}_o = 0, \ \mathbf{u}_g =0 \} and correspondingly phase pressure \{ P_w, \ P_o, \ P_g \} and phase saturations \{ s_w, \ s_o, \ s_g, \} were in stationary (not varying in time) conditions:
(33) | \nabla \cdot \bigg ( \frac{1}{B_w} \ \mathbf{u}_w \bigg )_{t=0} = 0 |
(34) | \nabla \cdot \bigg ( \frac{1}{B_o} \ \mathbf{u}_o + \frac{R_v}{B_g} \ \mathbf{u}_g \bigg )_{t=0} = 0 |
(35) | \nabla \cdot \bigg ( \frac{1}{B_g} \ \mathbf{u}_g + \frac{R_s}{B_o} \ \mathbf{u}_o \bigg )_{t=0} = 0 |
(36) | \mathbf{u}_w(0, \mathbf{r}) = - k_a \ \frac{k_{rw}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_w} \ (\nabla P_w(0, \mathbf{r}) - \rho_w \ \mathbf{g} ) = 0 |
(37) | \mathbf{u}_o(0, \mathbf{r}) = - k_a \ \frac{k_{ro}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_o} \ ( \nabla P_o(0, \mathbf{r}) - \rho_o \ \mathbf{g} ) = 0 |
(38) | \mathbf{u}_g(0, \mathbf{r}) = - k_a \ \frac{k_{rg}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_g} \ ( \nabla P_g(0, \mathbf{r}) - \rho_g \ \mathbf{g} ) = 0 |
(39) | P_o(0, \mathbf{r}) - P_w(0, \mathbf{r}) = P_{cow}(s_w) |
(40) | P_o(0, \mathbf{r}) - P_g(0, \mathbf{r}) = P_{cog}(s_g) |
(41) | s_w + s_o + s_g = 1 |
Condition II – Non-equilibrium Start
Non-equilibrium Start means that flow happening before the start: \mathbf{u}_w^2 + \mathbf{u}_o^2 + \mathbf{u}_g^2 > 0 and correspondingly phase pressure \{ P_w, \ P_o, \ P_g \} and phase saturations \{ s_w, \ s_o, \ s_g, \} were in not in equilibrium:
(42) | s_w(0, \mathbf{r}) + s_o(0, \mathbf{r}) + s_g(0, \mathbf{r}) = 1 |
pressure distribution \{ P_w, \ P_o, \ P_g \} could be arbitrary providing the capillary constraints:
(43) | P_o(0, \mathbf{r}) - P_w(0, \mathbf{r}) = P_{cow}(s_w) |
(44) | P_o(0, \mathbf{r}) - P_g(0, \mathbf{r}) = P_{cog}(s_g). |
The phase velocities are initialized as:
(45) | \mathbf{u}_w(0, \mathbf{r}) = - k_a \ \frac{k_{rw}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_w} \ ( \nabla P_w(0, \mathbf{r}) - \rho_w \ \mathbf{g} ) |
(46) | \mathbf{u}_o(0, \mathbf{r}) = - k_a \ \frac{k_{ro}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_o} \ ( \nabla P_o(0, \mathbf{r}) - \rho_o \ \mathbf{g} ) |
(47) | \mathbf{u}_g(0, \mathbf{r}) = - k_a \ \frac{k_{rg}(s_w, s_g)}{\mu_g} \ ( \nabla P_g(0, \mathbf{r}) - \rho_g \ \mathbf{g} ) |
In practice, the non-equilibrium conditions before the start is usually a result of previous flow simulations for the same reservoir, sometimes using a different grid-structure.
External Boundary Condition
The external boundary condition for the temperature is usually set by one if the two options:
External Temperature Boundary Condition I – Fixed Temperature
T(t, \mathbf{r}) |_{\Gamma_e} = T_e( \mathbf{r}) |
External Temperature Boundary Condition II – Fixed Heat Exchange
(48) | \big( \mathbf{n}, \nabla T(t, \mathbf{r} \big) \big |_{\Gamma_e} = \zeta \cdot \big( T(t, \mathbf{r}) - T_e( \mathbf{r}) \big) |
where \zeta – heat exchange coefficient at model boundary.
The external boundary condition for phase pressure, phase velocities and phase saturations is set by one of the two popular options:
External Pressure Boundary Condition I – Non-permeable boundary \Gamma_e
(49) | \big( \mathbf{n}, \ (\nabla P_\alpha(t, \mathbf{r}) - \rho_\alpha \mathbf{r}) \big) \big|_{\Gamma_e} = 0 |
where \mathbf{n} – normal vector to the boundary \Gamma_e and \alpha = \{ w, o, g \}.
External Pressure Boundary Condition II – constant-pressure boundary \Gamma_e
(50) | P_\alpha(t, \mathbf{r}) \big|_{\Gamma_e} = P_i = const |
where \alpha = \{ w, o, g \}.
Well model
Well flow model (don't get confused with Wellbore Flow Model) simulates the flow at the contact between well and reservoir thus relating the sandface flow rates and pressure distribution in reservoir around the well:
(51) | P_w(t, \mathbf{r}) \big|_{\Gamma_{WRC}} = P_o(t, \mathbf{r}) \big|_{\Gamma_{WRC}} = P_g(t, \mathbf{r}) \big|_{\Gamma_{WRC}}= P_{wf}(t) \big|_{\Gamma_{WRC}} |
where \Gamma_{WRC} is a well-reservoir.
Bottom-hole pressure P_{wf}(t) \big|_{\Gamma_{WFC}} = P_{wf}(t,h) at the contact (at depth h along-hole) is set by one of the three popular conditions (traditionally called "Controls"):
- Well Condition I – Pressure Control
- Well Condition II – Liquid Control
- Well Condition III – Oil Control
The list of dynamic flow properties and model parameters
(t,x,y,z) | time and space corrdinates , z -axis is orientated towards the Earth centre, (x,y) define transversal plane to the z -axis |
\mathbf{r} = (x, \ y, \ z) | position vector at which the flow equations are set |
q_{mW} = \frac{d m_W}{dt} | speed of water-component mass change in wellbore draining points |
q_{mO} = \frac{d m_O}{dt} | speed of oil-component mass change in wellbore draining points |
q_{mG} = \frac{d m_G}{dt} | speed of gas-component mass change in wellbore draining points |
q_W = \frac{1}{\rho_W^{\LARGE \circ}} \frac{d m_W}{dt} = \frac{d V_{Ww}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} = \frac{1}{B_w} q_w | volumetric water-component flow rate in wellbore draining points recalculated to standard surface conditions |
q_O = \frac{1}{\rho_O^{\LARGE \circ}} \frac{d m_O}{dt} = \frac{d V_{Oo}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} + \frac{d V_{Og}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} = \frac{1}{B_o} q_o + \frac{R_v}{B_g} q_g | volumetric oil-component flow rate in wellbore draining points recalculated to standard surface conditions |
q_G = \frac{1}{\rho_G^{\LARGE \circ}} \frac{d m_G}{dt} = \frac{d V_{Gg}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} + \frac{d V_{Go}^{\LARGE \circ}}{dt} = \frac{1}{B_g} q_g + \frac{R_s}{B_o} q_o | volumetric gas-component flow rate in wellbore draining points recalculated to standard surface conditions |
q_w = \frac{d V_w}{dt} | volumetric water-phase flow rate in wellbore draining points |
q_o = \frac{d V_o}{dt} | volumetric oil-phase flow rate in wellbore draining points |
q_g = \frac{d V_g}{dt} | volumetric gas-phase flow rate in wellbore draining points |
q^S_W =\frac{dV_{Ww}^S}{dt} | total well volumetric water-component flow rate |
q^S_O = \frac{d (V_{Oo}^S + V_{Og}^S )}{dt} | total well volumetric oil-component flow rate |
q^S_G = \frac{d (V_{Gg}^S + V_{Go}^S )}{dt} | total well volumetric gas-component flow rate |
q^S_L = q^S_W + q^S_O | total well volumetric liquid-component flow rate |
P_w = P_w (t, \vec r) | water-phase pressure pressure distribution and dynamics |
P_o = P_o (t, \vec r) | oil-phase pressure pressure distribution and dynamics |
P_g = P_g (t, \vec r) | gas-phase pressure pressure distribution and dynamics |
\vec u_w = \vec u_w (t, \vec r) | water-phase flow speed distribution and dynamics |
\vec u_o = \vec u_o (t, \vec r) | oil-phase flow speed distribution and dynamics |
\vec u_g = \vec u_g (t, \vec r) | gas-phase flow speed distribution and dynamics |
P_{cow} = P_{cow} (s_w) | capillary pressure at the oil-water phase contact as function of water saturation |
P_{cog} = P_{cog} (s_ g) | capillary pressure at the oil-gas phase contact as function of gas saturation |
k_{rw} = k_{rw}(s_w, \ s_g) | relative formation permeability to water flow as function of water and gas saturation |
k_{ro} = k_{ro}(s_w, \ s_g) | relative formation permeability to oil flow as function of water and gas saturation |
k_{rg} = k_{rg}(s_w, \ s_g) | relative formation permeability to gas flow as function of water and gas saturation |
\phi = \phi(P) | porosity as function of formation pressure |
k_a = k_a(P) | absolute formation permeability to air |
\vec g = (0, \ 0, \ g) | gravitational acceleration vector |
g = 9.81 \ \rm m/s^2 | gravitational acceleration constant |
\rho_\alpha(P,T) | mass density of \alpha-phase fluid |
\mu_\alpha(P,T) | viscosity of
\alpha-phase fluid |
\lambda_t(P,T,s_w, s_o, s_g) | effective thermal conductivity of the rocks with account for multiphase fluid saturation |
\lambda_r(P,T) | rock matrix thermal conductivity |
\lambda_\alpha(P,T) | thermal conductivity of \alpha-phase fluid |
\rho_r(P,T) | rock matrix mass density |
\eta_{s \alpha}(P,T) | differential adiabatic coefficient of \alpha-phase fluid |
c_{pr}(P,T) | specific isobaric heat capacity of the rock matrix |
c_{p\alpha}(P,T) | specific isobaric heat capacity of \alpha-phase fluid |
\epsilon_\alpha (P, T) | differential Joule–Thomson coefficient of \alpha-phase fluid дифференциальный коэффициент Джоуля-Томсона фазы \alpha |