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Ratio of current Intakes to current Offtakes:

(1) {\rm IVRR} = \frac{\rm Intakes}{\rm Offtakes} = \frac{q^{\downarrow}_t}{q^{\uparrow}_t}

It is normally calculated for the whole field or its sector and represents one of the key Production Analysis metrics.

The most popular case of using IVRR metrics is waterflood FDP in Black Oil reservoir where VRR takes form:

(2) {\rm IVRR} = \frac{B_w \, q^{\downarrow}_{WI} + B_g \, q^{\downarrow}_{GI}}{B_w \, q^{\uparrow}_W + B_o \, q^{\uparrow}_O + B_g \, [ q^{\uparrow}_G - R_s \, q^{\uparrow}_O] } = \frac{B_w \, q^{\downarrow}_{WI}+B_g \, q^{\downarrow}_{GI}}{B_w \, q^{\uparrow}_W + [ B_o + B_g \, ( {\rm GOR} - R_s) ] \, q^{\uparrow}_O }


q^{\downarrow}_{WI}, \ q^{\downarrow}_{GI}

water injection and gas injection surface flowrates

q^{\uparrow}_W, \, q^{\uparrow}_O, \, q^{\uparrow}_G

water, oil, gas surface flowrates

B_w, \, B_o, \, B_g

formation volume factors between separator and sandface pressure/temperature conditions
GORproduction Gas-Oil Ratio


Solution GOR at sandface pressure/temperature conditions

When gas injection is not present ( q^{\downarrow}_{GI} = 0) the alternative form of IVRR equation can be derived from (2):

(3) {\rm IVRR} = \frac{q^{\downarrow}_{WI}}{q^{\uparrow}_W + \left[ \frac{B_o}{B_w} + \frac{B_g}{B_w} \, ( {\rm GOR} - R_s) \right] \, q^{\uparrow}_O } = \frac{q^{\downarrow}_{WI}}{q^{\uparrow}_O} \cdot \frac{1}{{\rm WOR} + \left[ \frac{B_o}{B_w} + \frac{B_g}{B_w} \, ( {\rm GOR} - R_s) \right] } = \frac{1}{\rm IPIR} \cdot \frac{1}{\frac{Y_w}{1-Y_w} + \left[ \frac{B_o}{B_w} + \frac{B_g}{B_w} \, ( {\rm GOR} - R_s) \right] }


See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream /  Production / Subsurface Production / Field Study & Modelling / Production Analysis

Offtakes ]  [Intakes] [ Cumulative Voidage Replacement Ratio (ΣVRR) ]

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