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Any activity related to producing, delivering, buying and selling Products (Goods and Services).

It's one of the fundamental social activity of the mankind.

It is facilitated by Business Administration and Economics.

The Business consists of:

Shareholderswho own the Business
Companywhich represent the Economic Entities of the Business (could be one or many)

The Company
 consists of:

Employeeswho run the Business activities under Business Administration
Assetswhich represents the resources supporting the Business operations

Sometimes a Business may not form a Company but it will anyway assign some other Juridical Person or Physical Person to pursue its interests.

The Businesses are classified by Business Purpose as:

Commercial BusinessNon-Commercial Business
with ultimate goal to maximise the Shareholders' Equitywhich does not increase the Shareholders' Equity

The Commercial Businesses form the Market.

See also

Society / Economics  

Commercial Business ] [ Non-Commercial Business ]

Business Administration ] [ Economic Entity ] [ Company ] [ Shareholders ] [ Employee ] [ Assets ] [ Products ] Goods ] [ Services ]

Equity ] [ Dividend ]

Investment / Financial Investment / Financial Investment Project ] Merge and Acquisitions (M&A) ]

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