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While propagating through the homogeneuos medium the different frequencies will decay at different rate  \alpha(f)  and if noise sensor is located at  {\bf r}_0 = \{0, \, 0, \, 0\} and the noise source is located at  {\bf r} then the acoustic energy decay:

(1) N(r) = N(0) \cdot \exp[-\alpha(f)r]

The decay decrement  \alpha(f)  is growing with frequency: \displaystyle \frac{d \alpha}{df} > 0.

There is no universal model but it can be approximated by a linear-quadratic dependance:

(2) \alpha(f) = \alpha_1 \cdot f + \alpha_2 \cdot f^2, \quad \alpha_1>0,\, \alpha_2>0

with  \alpha_1 and   \alpha_2 having much slower dependance on frequency than \alpha(f) and in most practical cases can be assumed constant.

See also

Physics / Mechanics / Continuum mechanics / Acoustic Noise Propagation

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