Oil correlations based on Gulf of Mexico oil samples.

Bubble point pressurepbpsia


Saturated gas solubility

Rsscf/stbp ≤ pb


Saturated oil formation volume factor

Bobbl/stbp ≤ pb

Undersaturated oil formation volume factor

Bobbl/stbp > pb

Undersaturated oil isothermal compressibilitycopsi-1p > pb


LocationGulf of Mexico

psiaFluid pressure

°FInitial formation temperature

°APIOil API gravity

fracOil specific gravity

fracGas specific gravity


psiaBubble point pressure

bbl/stbFormation volume factor at bubble point pressure pb

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Petroleum Engineering / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Reservoir Engineering (RE) / PVT correlations / Oil correlations


Petrosky, G.E., and F.F. Farshad. "Pressure-Volume-Temperature Correlations for Gulf of Mexico Crude Oils." Paper presented at the SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, Houston, Texas, October 1993. doi: https://doi.org/10.2118/26644-MS