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In case the Undersaturated oil (p ≥ pb)  Bo 
correlation is not defined the most popular choice is to use Vasquez-Beggs (1980) Undersaturated Bo or Petrosky-Farshad (1993) Undersaturated Bo correlations.

In case of Undersaturated oil (p ≥ pb) one can also use the following relation between Bo and co:

(1) c_o = - \frac{1}{B_o} \frac{dB_o}{dp}
(2) B_o (p, T) = B_{ob}(T) \cdot \exp \left[ - \int_{p_b}^p c_o(p) \, dp \right], \quad B_{ob}(T) = B_o (p_b, T)

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Petroleum Engineering / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Reservoir Engineering (RE) / PVT correlations


Tarik Ahmed, Reservoir Engineering Handbook , Elsevier, 2006, ISBN-13: 978-0884157762

McCain, W.D. and Spivey, J.P. and Lenn, C.P., Petroleum Reservoir Fluid Property Correlations, 2011, PennWell Corporation, ISBN 9781593701871, ICCN 2010031823

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