
pore volume  fraction of bulk rock volume  containing the hydrodynamically connected fluids (also called free fluids) within each pore element:

\phi_e  = \frac{V_\phi}{V_r}

The log name is PHIE.

The reason to introduce this concept is that a part of the actual inter-grain void is filled with shale thus reducing the actual volume available for fluids.

It splits into two components:

subject to condition:

\phi_e = \phi_{\rm opn} + \phi_{\rm cls}

Effective porosity is a function of reservoir pressure at a given location

\phi_e(\mathbf{r}, \ p) = \phi_{e0}(\mathbf{r}) \exp \left[ - \int_{p_i}^p c_r(p) \, dp \right]


pore compressibility (see also Pore compressibility @model )

initial formation pressure

See also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Petrophysics (PP) / Volumetric Rock Model

Basic reservoir properties ] [ Pore volume ] [ Connected pore volume ] [ Closed pore volume ] [ Porosity ] [ Open porosity ] [ Closed porosity ]

Pore compressibility @model ]