
Volumetric value of Oil Initial In Place (OIIP) recalculated to NTP conditions:

V_{\rm STOIIP} =  \int_{\Omega} \left[ \frac{s_o({\bf r}) }{B_o} + \frac{R_v \, s_g({\bf r})}{B_g}  \right]  \phi_e({\bf r}) dV


Petroleum reservoir

Position vector to some location in a reservoir

Volume element of a reservoir

Effective porosity at location

Initial Oil saturation and Gas saturation at location

Oil FVF and Gas FVF at Initial formation pressure and temperature

Solution GOR and Vaporized Oil Ratio at Initial formation pressure and temperature

For practical implementation of   one needs to build a geological model and perform a discrete integration.

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Exploration / Booking Reserves / Oil Initial In Place (OIIP) /  Stock-Tank Oil Initial In-Place (STOIIP)