The pressure interference test with multiple homogeneous layers staying in a permeable contact with each other will honour the following equations:

\left< \sigma \right > = \sum_m \sigma_m

\left< c_t \phi h A\right > = \sum_m c_{tm} \phi_m h_m A_m


number of layers

transmissibility of the multilayer system

total reservoir storage of the multilayer system

reservoir drainage area of the -th layer

transmissibility of the -th layer

reservoir thickness of the -th layer

reservoir fluid mobility of the -th layer

reservoir porosity of the -th layer

 total compressibility of the -th layer

The equations  and  define the 3D → 2D upscaling algorithm for pressure calculations.

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Well Testing / Pressure Testing / Pressure Interference Test (PIT)