
Inputs & Outputs


Cumulative subsurface water influx from aquifer

initial formation pressure

Subsurface water flowrate from aquifer

water influx constant

aquifer diffusivity

net pay area

Detailing Inputs

water influx constant

central angle of net pay area ↔ aquifer contact

aquifer effective thickness

aquifer porosity

aquifer total compressibility

aquifer pore compressibility 

aquifer water compressibility


Transient flow in Radial Composite Reservoir


Q^{\downarrow}_{AQ}= B \cdot \int_0^t W_{eD}(t - \tau) \dot p d\tau

q^{\downarrow}_{AQ}(t)= \frac{dQ^{\downarrow}_{AQ}}{dt}

W_{eD}(t)= \int_0^{t} \frac{\partial p_1}{\partial r_D} \bigg|_{r_D = 1} dt_D 

\frac{\partial p_1}{\partial t_D} =  \frac{\partial^2 p_1}{\partial r_D^2} + \frac{1}{r_D}\cdot \frac{\partial p_1}{\partial r_D}

p_1(t_D = 0, r_D)= 0

p_1(t_D, r_D=1) = 1

\frac{\partial p_1}{\partial r_D} 
\bigg|_{(t_D, r_D=r_a/r_e)} = 0

Transient flow in Radial Composite Reservoir:

\frac{\partial p_a}{\partial t} = \chi \cdot \left[ \frac{\partial^2 p_a}{\partial r^2} + \frac{1}{r}\cdot \frac{\partial p_a}{\partial r} \right]

p_a(t = 0, r)= p(0)

p_a(t, r=r_e) = p(t)

\frac{\partial p_a}{\partial r} 
\bigg|_{(t, r=r_a)} = 0

Consider a pressure convolution:

p_a(t, r) = p(0) + \int_0^t p_1 \left(\frac{(t-\tau) \cdot \chi}{r_e^2}, \frac{r}{r_e} \right) \dot p(\tau) d\tau

\dot p(\tau) = \frac{d p}{d \tau}

One can easily check that honors the whole set of equations and as such defines a unique solution of the above problem.

Water flowrate at sector interface with oil reservoir will be:

q^{\downarrow}_{AQ}(t)= \theta \cdot r_e \cdot h_a \cdot u(t,r_e)

where is flow velocity at aquifer contact boundary, which is:

u(t,r_e) = M_a \cdot \frac{\partial p_a(t,r)}{\partial r} \bigg|_{r=r_e}

where is aquifer mobility.

Water flowrate becomes:

q^{\downarrow}_{AQ}(t)= C_a \cdot \frac{\partial p_a(t,r)}{\partial r} \bigg|_{r=r_e}

Cumulative water flux:

Q^{\downarrow}_{AQ}(t) = \int_0^t q^{\downarrow}_{AQ}(t) dt = C_a \cdot \int_0^t \frac{\partial p_a(t,r)}{\partial r} \bigg|_{r=r_e} dt 

See Also

Petroleum Industry / Upstream / Subsurface E&P Disciplines / Field Study & Modelling / Aquifer Drive / Aquifer Drive Models


 1. van Everdingen, A.F. and Hurst, W. 1949. The Application of the Laplace Transformation to Flow Problems in Reservoirs. Trans., AIME 186, 305.

2. Tarek Ahmed, Paul McKinney, Advanced Reservoir Engineering (eBook ISBN: 9780080498836)

3. Klins, M.A., Bouchard, A.J., and Cable, C.L. 1988. A Polynomial Approach to the van Everdingen-Hurst Dimensionless Variables for Water Encroachment. SPE Res Eng 3 (1): 320-326. SPE-15433-PA.